Tag Archives: Wigs for Kids

Lacking Locks for Love


 It once again is breast cancer awareness month. Which tends to remind me of a trip I took with my daughter and her friend to our local Fantastic Sams  so that we could donate our hair to Locks of Love.  These young women went far beyond what I did (call me chicken) I did donate a considerable amount of hair, which was waist long, shortened to my shoulders. I just couldn’t bring myself to do the extra 10 inches or so.

There is a subject that  I would like to clarify. I have heard many people say that they no longer give to Locks of Love, because they charge the children for the hair pieces. That in part is true, but the original hair piece can run from $3,000 to $5,000 dollars depending on the need.  Locks of Love give according to need.

Locks of Love Mission Statement

Our mission is to return a sense of self, confidence and normalcy to children suffering from hair loss by utilizing donated ponytails to provide the highest quality hair prosthetics to financially disadvantaged children. The children receive hair prostheses free of charge or on a sliding scale, based on financial need.

If you have the hair to donate and then I urge you to do so. I would suggest you look into Locks of Love or other ways of donating your hair.  There are a few others that I found with a quick search of the web:

Wigs for Kids
Angel Hair for Kids-Canadian based

Happy Hunting!
Have a clipping good time!