middle row: Grandpa T, Uncle Chester, Uncle Butler, Uncle Harold, Uncle Milton
front row: Mom, Grandma T, Auntie Peg, Trish and I
Here it is Military Monday and I just happen to have a photo to share!
This photo was taken in 1967 at Easter time. It was taken on the steps of Old South Church, Kirtland Ohio.
Grandma, front center behind the cutie in the red coat (yeah it’s me) at one time had five stars in the bay window on the front of her house, just down the street from this church.
You will find three of the stars in the photo, my Uncles Butler, Chester and Milton. My Uncle Tom who is also pictured next to his father “Grandpa Mac” was in uniform for a season. The other two stars that were on my grandmothers window are my Aunt Karin (wife of Butler) and Uncle Bob.
From those five stars, nine of my cousins have also served this country in the uniform of their choice. My Love and Thanks to each and everyone.
Happy Hunting