Tag Archives: relationship

Religion or Relationship what is in your heart?


I found this posted on Facebook the other day and I found it interesting how this man feels about religion.I agree with him that religion will not bring peace.

Religion is a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs. (definition taken from Dictionary.com)

Religion be it Christian or any other belief system is just that a belief system. It’s a set of laws that are intended to guide the believer in said god, or idea.

Being a Christian, I will come from that aspect of that belief. There is more to Christianity than just following a general set of rules, some man-made and some God-given. There is a matter of relationship. I can say I am a Christian and I can even say I believe in the God of Abraham, but the Bible clearly states that the even that the devils  believe in God and tremble ( James 2:19), but do they have a relationship with God, or might I say a good relationship with Him?  The relationship that I talk about is much like an emotional and relational connection with God. Let me put it in human terms, if you are in a relationship, especially a good one, do you not seek to do good for that other person do you not set out to please them and in return do they not do the same for you.Do they look out for your welfare as you look out for theirs. This is the kind of relationship that Christians seek with God.  I truly believe this relationship can bring peace, joy and blessing. You ask how do I know this? The Bible surely shows this, but also  because I have experienced the fruits of this relationship.

What goes into a human relationship also goes into one with God. You ask, well how does one get to know God ? My answer to this is, get familiar with Him. Get to know everything about Him. Like you get to know about the person you are looking to have a relationship with. You read His word, the Bible, you talk with Him, pray, and you get to know his friends (understanding that not all of his friends are true friends) and learn what He is to them! Easy task ?, no not really, but remembering that He is your friend and helps you, makes it easier.  In this relationship there is peace and joy, and I contend if you have such joy and peace in your heart it will spread to your fellow humans here on earth. There will be caring there will be sharing. I would say try Him, you just might like what you receive!

Happy Hunting!



I have a place in my soul that needs to be filled.
A place that longs for something of which I am unsure.
Shall I fill it with parties and fun?
Drugs and strong drink?
Oh wait those I have tried, they are great in the moment,
but they only leave me with loneliness and pain.

Should I fill it with good works.
Doing deeds of all kinds to help others.
Wait this is great but I still feel empty..
what does it take to fill this hole in my soul?

The puzzle piece is of an odd shape.
It takes the form of a cross.
I wear one daily. Isn’t it pretty!
Wait the hole is still there!
I need to fill this void without delay.

Friend I tell you today
The only way to fill the void
Is to form a relationship with the Lord.
Jesus is the natural and perfect fit for the hole.
He is the perfect shape and size.

His love will fill the dark and lonely places.
Reach out to Him accept his gift,
Believe He is indeed the Son of God.
The one how saves by His grace.
Ask for forgiveness
There will be no more empty place.
For You are now whole.
~Julia K. Hogston 2011