Tag Archives: photos

Wordless Wednesday (Not So)

I have had the pleasure and joy to bring some old negatives back to life.
They were photos of my Great Grandparents and their children and grandchildren at that time. I came across a picture that through me for a loop. A picture of Great Uncle Norman wow! He looks like Dad or rather Dad looks a lot like him. I always thought that Dad took after the McCartney family, but I am now seeing that he resembles the Ogilvie/Kaye side of the family more.  Posted below are a photo of both men. What do you think? Does Dad look like Uncle Norm?









Uncle Norm

Happy Hunting!

Tuesday Tips/ Saving Digital Photos

While looking through my stats for this blog I noticed a search engine term for “should
I save family photos in .tiff or .bmp?”

When you are using a digital camera the photographs will usually be saved  in .jpeg (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format or RAW.

When you download your photos on to you computer you will then pick a format that you want to work with in your photo imaging program, such as Photoshop or Paintshop-Pro. What format you save them in will depend on what you want to do with them.

I am working on a photo album.  These photographs are newly developed as all I had were the negatives.  I took the negatives to a photographer and he did a wonderful job copying them for me.

When I began, I scanned them and saved them in .tiff ( targeted file format). This format is excellent for printing. It also does not lose information after being opened and closed multiple times. These are large files and most internet service will not handle these files, such as Facebook, Google+ or Shutterfly.com.  While I was cropping and filing these photos, I saved them in both formats and put them in two folders one of which have all jpeg copies of these photos and one that have .tiff copies. I have now placed the .jpeg files on-line for family to see. The .tiff files are in another folder and I will put them on a CD with an index and information about the photos. I will most likely burn the .jpeg photos to this disk as well.

I found a site that will explain the different formats and what they can do for you and what their draw backs are. You can find it at Digital Photography School.  The title of the article is “What is the Best File Format to Save Your Photos In? PSD * TIFF * JPEG * GIF  * PNG

This certainly is not the last word on this subject,this will give you an idea what you can do with your photos! Enjoy it will be an adventure as you work with your photographs.

Happy Hunting!


2nd Lt. Alexander Kaye Ogilvie
2nd Lt. Alexander Kaye Ogilvie

I dedicated this to a man who,
I never had the pleasure to have known.
Though the blood of his ancestors
mingles with my own.

A man just reaching his prime
A man who left this world
Long before his time.

Did he have a girl?
Yes he did,
but a life they would never share.
he also had a loving family
Oh! And they loved him so!

He did his duty,
and did what was right.
He toiled,
and labored in freedoms mighty fight.
To his family he gave great pride.

It was on November 29,1918
I am not sure if it was early or late,
when he was to take his last flight.
Victory, he helped secure.
From this “little scrap” he’d not return.

He lost his wings on that day…
he lost is life on foreign soil…
with his family so very far away.

This Dear man was my Grand Uncle,
An Uncle that would never know the joy
of his own children.
This man would never
hold his nieces and nephews in his lap.

He would never see all
his Sisters married.

His mother wrote this of him, in words that only a mother can;

… Is it needful to speak
of the dear one
Who made the supreme sacrifice;
For the love of mankind and his country
He journeyed and paid the big price.
We laid him to rest in God’s acre
In Crown Hill on the Government lot,
Which will always be tenderly cared for
And his mem’ry will ne’re be forgot.
But our hearts are so sad and so lonely,
For his face we shall never see more
Till the time when our labors are ended
And we meet on eternity’s shore…….
Barbara Jane Kaye OGILVIE
written in July, 1924

At this writing this family is at last,
each and everyone with their hero and beloved one…
Sisters and brother, Mom and Dad alike.
Even many of his nieces and
nephews have joined him around the throne.

I take my hat off to him and
all the rest whether an early grave,
where they found their rest,
or those that Marched on
and lived these memories daily…
and in some way preserved the
memories of those that have been lost,
for you and I at such a great cost.
Julia K. Hogston
February 19, 2000

This poem has been re written several times! I initially wrote it to place on my genealogy website, hoping to find out more information on Uncle Alex (Kaye). The piece did bring me many pieces of information and the reasons that I’ve had to re-write some of it.  This is the poem that brought me his dog tags. If you have a website, don’t give up someone will see it some day and will have just that little piece of information you need. I have not been to Alex’s grave site, but I have had flowers put on his grave for his birthday.

Happy Hunting!

Question on Preserving the small 4×4 photo albums

While I sit here working on scanning photo’s (the correct way mind you!)  I have come across a dilemma and I am sure I am not the first one to have this issue.

I have several, at least a dozen, of those small 4×4 photo albums that the pictures companies used to put the photos in. These are in great shape, with only a few loose photos that I will put into another place safe keeping. My thought is, do I remove the rest of the photos and place them in better surroundings or is the little album a good home for these picture?

I have some photos, that I have used archival corners on and I put them on acid free cardboard (actually for comic books) and placed them in archival plastic sleeves. I was thinking of doing this with these photos, makes for easy identification and they actually store nicely in a filing system, although they are kind of bulky but not a bulky as trying to store them in large photo albums.

Very big sigh, I guess I will order some more sleeves and in the meantime, I would love to hear what others have done with these little albums!

Happy Hunting!

Treasure Chest Thursday/ From Negatives to Flesh

I am a bit back ward this week, and I apologize for this! After I posted what I had worked on for part of the week and had it ready to post for Friday, I remembered that I had not posted Thursday’s offering.

This weeks treasure came in the forms of pictures, some that I have already shared with you. The picture of my grand parents

A. Ruth Ogilvie and Willard Warren McCartney

and the picture of my grandmother and her siblings standing from youngest to oldest and all but the youngest trying not to giggle. ( proving to me it is always the youngest that starts things 😀 )

These picture were found as I have stated before in box of boxes, the treasure in these photos is that fact they were negatives and I really had no clue what they held! I was fearful to take them to a chain operated photo department. Most of them are great with digital photos and photos taken recently, but these were single negatives, and I guessed they were at least 70 yrs old. I asked around and found a Photographer! He has done excellent work for me and I would like to give him a mention. If you’re in the metro Detroit and need work done, I would suggest Joe. You can find Joe at Photo Joe/Joseph Marshall Photography

Those negatives are 70-year-old, and actually some of them closer to 80 yrs old.
The greatest treasure  the majority of these photos were taken at a Ogilvie Family reunion in Dresden Ohio in 1933. I believe there were only two people in the family not present. I couldn’t have hoped for more! I now have pictures of my great-grandparents with their children, spouses and grand-children. Now that is what I call putting flesh on bones!

There was just one problem with these photos and it really wasn’t with them, but with my knowledge of the family. I could place my grandmother and a favorite aunt, but the most of the rest of them were guesses for me. To change this dilemma I posted them to shutterfly.com and invited family members to help me put names to faces and I also invited them to print or download what they wanted. There were over 100 negatives (I still have more to developed) so I thought this would be the best way to share them. I have many more photos of other families and I am thinking seriously about doing the same with them. You can visit the share page of the Ogilvie photos mentioned above at Ogilvie Family Photos.

They are now being put in an album and being named. There will be a disk added to the album . I  will be saving them both Tif and jpg files. I am not sure yet how I will index and name them on the disc. That will be my next adventure.

Enjoy and Happy Hunting!