Tag Archives: cheveux de frise

Amanuensis Monday-Revolutionary War Pension Application for Daniel Jackson

Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another. From The National Standard Encyclopedia

Amanuensis Monday was started on the Transylvanian Dutch Blog. This link will take you to the page concerning Amanuensis and why one should transcribe the records !

State of Ohio Knox County

on this twenty fifth day of September in the year of our lord one thousand eighty hundred and thirty two Personally appeared in the open court before Judges of the court of common pleas for said County now setting Danial [sic] Jackson a resident of Franklin Township, in the County of Knox and State of Ohio aged Seventy nine years who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following Declaration in orders to obtain the benefit of the act of congress passed June 7th 1832
That he entered the Service of the United States under the following named officers and served as here in stated that is to say he the said Danial [sic] Jackson doth declare that he was born according to the best information he has been able to procure on the subject in Morris County in the State of New Jersey on the 26th day of December AD 1753-entered the Service as a volunteer in June AD 1776 under Col Jacob Forde [,] Capt Josiah Hall [,] Lieutenant David Broadwall resided when he entered the Service in Hanover Township, Morris County and State of New Jersey marched to Newark New Jersey and from there was detached from the army and ordered to assist in making a Cheveux de freeze* [sic] to place across the Hudson River at which he continued for until the first of October same year at which time he was marched into the line again and continued to serve until the last of January 1777- and then by a publick [sic] arrangement requiring every able bodied man militia man to serve half the time, he served to the best of his recollection through months of March, May, and July, as a guard on the Jersey Shore between Newark and Brunswick and then on arrangement was made forming what was called minute men in which capacity he served repeated short tours of duty the first three tours when the enemy made attempts to destroy the stores at Morristown and was in the Battle of Springfield.  The 4th tour marches on through Pumpton**  plains [sic] to Smith Clove*** [sic] in the State of New York in pursuit of Tories and robbers on the 5th tour marched to assist the army at the Battle of Monmouth on the 6th tour pursued a party of the enemy near to a place on Hackinsac  [sic] river in Bergen County- averaging two weeks in each tour making three months in short tours- making in all thirteen months- was under the command of [,] Colonels Wm Winds [,] Benoni Hathaway [,] John Munson [,] Jacob Drake and Spencer at different times- and captains [,]Josiah Hall [,] James Ward [,] Moses Munson [,] Job Allan, Stephen Jackson, Ezekial [last name unreadable] Commanded at different times- was acquainted with Genls Washington and Wayne-He also states he has no documentary evidence of his service and that he knows of no person whose testimony he can procure who can testify to his service except Benjamin Jackson

He hereby relinquished every claim expect the present to a pension or an annuity and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any staff.

Daniel  Jackson
Sworn to and subscribes this day and year aforesaid
Alex. Elliott Clk

We Thomas Regdon a clergyman residing in the County of Knox and State of Ohio and Benjamin Stackhouse residing in the county and state aforesaid. hereby certify that we are well acquainted with Danial  [sic] Jackson who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration that we believe him to be seventy nine years of age, that he is reputed and believed, in the neighborhood whare  [sic]  he resides to have been a soldier of the revolution and that we concur in that opinion.
Sworn  to subscribed this day and year aforesaid

Alex Elliot Clk
Thomas Regdon
Benjamin Stackhous

Daniel Jackson is my 5th great grandfather, on the paternal side of my tree. Daniel is my husbands 5th and 6th great granduncle. Small, small world ! File part of the documentation on Daniel Jackson found at the National Archives.

*cheveux de frise
**perhaps Pompton Plains NJ
***perhaps Smith Cove NY