Amanuensis Monday-History of Dresden Presbyterian Church History 1819-1919/part 6/

Amanuensis Monday – An Amanuensis is a person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another. 

The following History will be presented in 6 parts each one being posted on Monday.  This is a History of the Presbyterian Church in Dresden Ohio as of 1919, that is in my possession.  My Great Grandfather was the Pastor of the Church when this piece was commissioned. I have pulled it from a earlier posting on my rootsweb family website. I hope that it brings information you can use or maybe an interesting read. Enjoy! There is more to Dresden then baskets 😀

1819- Dresden Presbyterian Church History -1919

author unknown  for this Addendum

The celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Presbyterian Church of Dresden has been the hearts of the people for some months, which finally, culminated in a Congregation Meeting. The various committees were arranged for the assigned and the time set and “Our Centennial began” the week’s service, Sabbath, September 28th, very fittingly with the celebration of the Lord’s Supper, and the Text-1 Samuel 7, 12, “Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped Us”-which, ignorant of the Pastor’s text, the Historian has also chosen.

The program for the week was most interesting and was planned by our most efficient Pastor, Rev. D. M Ogilvie and his able Coadjutors, J.W. Lanning, W.W. Shore, C.W. Stevenson, Hugh Adams and Robert Mortland. These, with their wives and Mr. Lanning’s daughter, Miss Lettie, were also the Reception Committee to welcome the Home-coming guests.

On Monday, September 29th, the Choir gave a splendid Concert under the leadership of Messrs. S. Spencer and Harry Shore.

Tuesday, September 30th, P.M. Rev. F.B. Shumaker, a former Pastor, of Jeanette Pa., who had preached his farewell sermon, September 30, 1907, preached from Deut. 3, 4-7; “One hundred years old and the the eye not dim nor his natural force abated.”

On Wednesday, October 1st, “The Presbyterian Family-Homecoming Dinner” was served to over three hundred guests. A word of commendation must be said. Never was a more capable committee appointed and as the whole Church could not be named, the Pastor announced that any lady who would assist would be very welcome. Many ladies not mentioned on the Committee came forward and served faithfully throughout the occasion. Such were the wise and willing-hearted Presbyterian women rendering the highest type of service. Mrs. J.J. Horn was the Chairman of this efficient Committee. Menu and service were fine and carried out like clockwork.

After the dinner came the speeches, the Pastor, Rev. D.M. Ogilvie, acting Toastmaster. Rev. Kenneth McLeod, H.J. Shore, J.W. Lanning, Mrs. R.B Longstreth and Rev. F.B. Shumaker were called upon. Rev. Shumaker remarked in his response, that he had “attended other Centennials, and this one was the best planned and best carried out of them all.” Rev. Ogilvie then read the Regrets from the four points of the compass, getting the best of them all. Mrs. F.B. Shumaker, by request, sang a beautiful solo.

Then came the Church History of the One Hundred Years, by Mrs. T. M. Stevenson. Mrs. Stevenson endeavored to gather the laborers of the past, and their labors, the Ministerial Committee sent by the Presbyter of Lancaster (Ohio), to assist the little band of eight persons to organize the Dresden Presbyterian Church-three ministers, four men and four women, their names, and a brief biography of each.

Strange to relate, in the audience were grandchildren, of every Charter member or founder, and great-grandchildren of most and at least one great-great-grandaughter, and all these still faithful active members of the Presbyterian Church. Surly a wonderful record after on hundred years!

The Historian also gave the Apostolic Succession of the sixteen Pastors, beginning with Rev, Prescott B. Smith,1819, and closing with Rev. D.M. Ogilvie, 1919. She also named the Elders and date of ordination down to the present Session. Then the Missionaries: Mrs. Josephine Lemert Coffing, nearly fifty years in Armenia, and Roy Lanning, now for five years in China; the former, daughter of Laban Lemert, a former Elder, and Roy, son of J.W. Lanning, now an Elder. Then as our Representatives for Home Missions; Mrs. H.G.O. Cary, daughter of another Elder, John N. Ingalls.

Mrs. Cary organized the Zanesville Presbyterial Home and Foreign Missionary Society. She visited the Churches of Muskingum, Licking, Coshocton, Knox and Perry Counties, stirring up the Presbyterian women of all. Then for seventeen years served as President and as President Emeritus the rest of her life. She and Mrs. Coffing organized the Dresden Home and Foreign Missionary Society, which still exists, with Mrs. C.S. Frazier as President. We have had many, many faithful workers.

Mrs. Coffing also organized the “Mercy Drop” a Home and Foreign Missionary Society-a young ladies society-who raised more for missions than any society we ever had, and who at one time, gave more than any other society in this large Presbytery.

Mrs. T.M. Stevenson, of this Church, served for seventeen years as the President of the Athens Presbyterial Home and Foreign Missionary Society and two year as President of the Zanesville Presbyterial Home and Foreign Missionary Society.*

* notion in pamphlet Still a Vice President ( unsure of handwriting)

Then there was Mrs. F.W. Gorche who, besides organizing the C.E. Society, was President of the Auxiliary Missionary Society, a Sabbath School teacher and President of the W.C.T.U. Society. Our ladies never confined themselves to their own Church activities. Mrs. Mittie Cresap Senior hand the Junior Mission Band. Today Miss Mary Stump leads the Union Endeavor. Some of these workers have gone to their reward. We love and appreciate them and can never forget them and the blessing their lives have been. His work goes on and gathers strength from their example. For years Mrs. Alex Pruson was Auxiliary President.

Another activity of Christians which is sometimes forgotten was ministering to the Black Man. There was a transportation called the “Underground Railroad.” It took a strong, kindly heart to open the doors to the black brother seeking the North Star. Mr. and Mrs. Pruson, Alex. Pierson and Rev. S.P. Hildreth had that heart and hand.

Truly hitherto hath the Lord helped us and will be with us always. This fortunate Church has grandchildren of its members in the ministry; Rev. Hayes Beeman, of Wooster, and Rev. John White, of the U.P. Church at Cedarville, Ohio; the former son of the late Rev. Henry Beeman, of New Lexington, and the latter of Rev. James White and Mrs. Amelia Wallace White, God hath not dealt so with any people.

On Thursday Evening October 2, Rev. Dr. D.W. McLeod, of East Liverpool, also a former pastor, preached upon the “Glorious Gospel.” This was a unique service. H.J. Shore, for twenty years or more leader of the choir, invited all former choir singers-visitors- to take their old places. The choir was full to overflowing and and they added their voices with joy to the singers of the present choir, and Harry Shore wielded the baton with his old-time zest, and Rev. Dr. MacLeod preached in his happiest style.

On Friday Evening October 3, Rev. J.A. Speer, of Coshocton, gave a stirring sermon on the “New Era.”

On Sabbath Rev. D.M. Ogilvie, our Pastor, finished this delightful and eventful Centennial Week with a wonderful plea for the future, from Joshua 1, 2: ” Moses, my servant, is dead. Arise now, therefore, and go over Jordan.”

Amanuesnsis Monday-History of Dresden Presbyterian Church 1819-1919/Part 2/

Amanuensis Monday – An Amanuensis is a person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another. 

The following History will be presented in 6 parts each one being posted on Monday.  This is a History of the Presbyterian Church in Dresden Ohio as of 1919, that is in my possession.  My Great Grandfather was the Pastor of the Church when this piece was commissioned. I have pulled it from a earlier posting on my rootsweb family website. I hope that it brings information you can use or maybe an interesting read. Enjoy! There is more to Dresden then baskets 😀

 1819- Dresden Presbyterian Church History -1919
written by Mrs. T.M. (Mary Louise Cresap) Stevenson


 First Pastor-Rev. Prescott B. Smith(1819-1823)

Rev. Prescott B. Smith, the third member of the Presbyterial Commitee and noble Triumvirate, became our very first Pastor. He was a native of Vermont, was educated at Middlebury College, and ordained at Newark in 1818. He began preaching in 1818 soon after his ordination, lived in Irville. He so continued until his death in 1823, aged only twenty-nine.

Though only twenty-nine at his death, Rev. Prescott B. Smith was the Nestor of our Pastors. Some of our honored guests this evening are his grandchildren, viz., the familie of the late Mr. Horace Smith, of Adams Mills, faithful, active members of the Adams Mills Presbyterian Church. His works do follow him and his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren are amoung us, a blessing today.

Charter Members

The Church records give the Charter members in the following order: Daniel Stillwell, Esq., Joseph F. Munro, John C. Stockton, Mrs Mary Smith, (wife of pastor), Mary Munro, (wife of J.F.), Mrs. Sohpie Cass, (wife of G.W.), Mrs. Mary Cass, (wife of Major Jonathan), and Rev. Hildreth adds Major Jonathan Cass. As Mrs. Munro was the daughter of Major Jonathan Cass, and Rev. and Mrs. Hildreth made their home with Mrs. Munro, Mrs. Hildreth’s mother, Rev. Hildreth’s testimony is accurate.

Major Jonathan Cass was the great-grandfather of Mrs. J.W.P. Ried, Zanesville; Miss Mary Munro, Granville; Mrs. Rhoda Dunmead, Newark; Mrs. Minnie Dunmead, of the Old Munro Home; former members of the Dresden chruch and now active Presbyterians in their home towns, with one exception, and we welcome them to this Centennial reunion as we look in their faces.

Mrs. Sophie Cass, wife of George W. Cass, another Charter member, is represented in Dresden today by the widow of Dr. Edward Cass and their two sons, Dr. Edward McDowell Cass and George Cass, both soldiers in the Great War. Dr. Edward attained the title of his ancestor, “Major” overseas, and George, a non-Com on this side.

Daniel Stillwell, Esq., was great-grandfather to the Scott families, of Adams Mills, as well as to the Horace Smith families, and wonder of wonders, Hamilton Scott’s daughter, great-great-grandaughter, is present tonight helping us to celebrate and to keep the ideas of Daniel Stillwell, Esq., in the Church active. The Scotts are also grandchildren of another of our Charter members, John C. Stockton. John F. Munro, the very first elder of this Church, and his wife, Mary G. Munro, both Charter members, were also represented by here Mrs. Ried, Miss Munro and Mrs. R. Drunmead, her grandchildren. Was ever a church so blessed?

Think of it! The descendants of every single one of the Founders of this Church gathered together to help celebrate its Centennial, and all still faithful workers in the Presbyterian Church. We heartily welcome you all to this, our “Home-coming.”

Second Pastor-Rev. James Parmele(1824-1825)

Rev. James Parmele surely had a vision of the future of our Church, for he arranged to preach in the town of Dresden. He obtained the town log school house located where the Union School Building now stands, and there held his preaching services. Rev. Parmele had faith in the increase and prosperity of the town and the Church must needs be in the center of the town and grow with it. He remains only a little over a year.

Third Pastor-Rev. Ebenezer Churchill(1825-1829)

Before the close of 1825 came the Rev. Ebenezer Churchill to care for our Zion. He ministered to the three Churches, Dresden, Adams Mills and Irville, where he lived, and gave each Church one-third of his time. He was a man of great energy, physically, mentally and spiritually. He frequently walked to his appointments, even all the way from Irville to Adams Mills, twelve miles.

The Church had then only one elder, Mr. Joseph F. Munro. There was always harmony in the session. At the suggestion of Rev. Churchill two more were added viz., Daniel Stillwell and John C. Stockton, by the choice of the congregation and session. Rev. Churchill labored with the Chruch from 1825 to 1829. During his pastorate there were received into the Church (1829) by examination, Mr. Gilbert Shaw, and Phoebe, the wife of William F. Compton, of Dresden. Received also, by letter, George Smith and his wife Polly. He also received into the Church by Baptism, three infants, viz., Henry Munro, son of J.F. and Mary G. Munro; Mary Selden, daughter of G.W. and Sophie Cass; and Samuel Shaw, son of Gilbert and Phoebe Shaw.

Fourth Pastor-Rev. John Pitkin(1829-1836)

Very soon after the departure of Rev. Churchill, Rev. John Pitkin began his labors with the Dresden Church. By this time the school house was brick and was built on the mound in what is now the Cemetery. That sounds strange, but then it was not “Gods Acre.” That was then east of the canal bridge as you go down to Old Town. When the canal was dug the cemetery was removed to its present location and the school house was returned to its former and present situation.

Rev. Pitkin was a graduate of the Ohio University at Athens, (then under Presbyterian supervision). Mrs. Pitkin was a daughter of President Wilson of that University. For a while Rev. Pitkin lived in Irville. Very soon he came back to Dresden and built a house of his own. We are glad to know that house still stands. It was the former residence of Mrs. Michael Carter, was from Main Stree back to the alley and new house errected on the site where Mr. Joshua Stump now lives, and Rev. Pitkin’s house is Mr. Stump’s garage. Another Presbyterian minister lived in Rev. Pitkin’s house, viz., Rev. William Wallace. He and his eldest son had the Dresden paper. His second son, James Wallace, was a musician and a jeweler, and he married Miss Amelia Ingalls, daughter of Major J.N. Ingalls, one of the ruling elder of our Church. Rev. Wallace has also a little daughter, Amelia, and a little son, Chalmers. Amelia later married Joames White, who was principle of the high school when the Stevenson brother, Thos. M. and Robert W., his successor, were superintendents. James White is now D. D., and their son is now a successful pastor in Ohio, both in the United Presbyterian Church. Rev. Wallace lived and died in Rev. Pitkin’s house. It was a good house of seven rooms, five below and a center hall, and two above.

Mrs. Pitkin deserves special attention. She had ideals and carried them out. She organized the First Female Prayer Meeting in Dresden, which met at her home. Then she had a vison of the Church of the future and organized the First Sabbath School ever held in Dresden and conducted it regulary, every Sabbath, in her own home. She had no helpers at first. What ever did she do with the restless little ones? How did she teach the adults at the same time? The Female Prayer Meeting soon developed worker to assist her. From that Sabbath School in 1829 to 1919-these ninety years-the Presbyterian Chruch has kept up faithfully its Sabbath School, though started by a woman.

One out come of Mrs. Pitkin’s Sabbath School was that of Ainlab S. Armenia, gathered together by Mrs. Josephine Lemert Coffing and her husband, Rev. Jackson Coffing. It was then-1860-the largest Sabbath School in the world and numbered 1600. Mrs. Pitkin has had efficient, untiring successors as Sabbath School Superintendents ever since, down to the present incumbent, S.F. Spencer.

When Rev. Hilderth was pastor the Catechism and Bible verse were recited. Elmira Rambo led with 963 verses and the School recited 1496 texts, in one month. Miss Rambo later became a faithful teacher, and though unable to hear the sermon, was always in her place in Church, and said Dr. Macleod , an inspiration to him as pastor, faithful till called up higher. Today the Christian word studies the same lesson. Is not this an answer to Christ’s prayer?-“That they may be one.” Never before were so many adults in the Sabbath School, but we can only say, “all were faithful workers and we are thankful for them.”

The Church was growing steadily. Rev. Pitkin so inspired the people that they began to talk of a Church Building. This culminated in a meeting of the Session at one o’clock, December 1, 1833. It was resolved “That a subscription paper be opened for the purpose of construction a Presbyterian Meeting House in the town of Dresden.” Later, September10, 1835, John C. Stockton, one of the ruling elders, was appointed to solicit and recieve donation for the Building of this “Meeting House.”

In 1835 Rev. James Harrison took charge of the Church of Irville. Rev. Pitkin was still pastor in Dresden and that winter-1835-Rev. Harrions assisted him in a series of meetings. Many were added to this Church. In the spring of 1836 Rev. Pitkin had another revival. There are among those names that will interest some of you, viz., Laban Lemert and Lucy Ann, his wife; Mrs. Webb; Mrs Alloways; Mrs. Caroline Brice; Mrs. Catherine Wolf; Miss Julia Stockton; Frances B. Stockton; and Archibald Blackburn Brice, who later became D.D., the first Minister of the Gospel sent out from the Dresden Presbyterian Church. He studied at Meadville College and was some years ago the consecrated Pastor of the Nelsonville Presbyterian Church of Athens Presbytery.

An interesting Sessions Record occured April 27, 1833, which throw light upon the Presbytery to which we belonged. We quote: “On motion, Resolved, That this Session apply to the Lancaster Presbytery, in this State, for a continuance of the yearly sum, heretofore allowed, to the Rev. John Pitkin by the Assembly Board of Missions; his places of preaching to be designated as Dresden, Muskingum, Stillwell and Wachatomaka Settlement.” ” Also, on motion, Resolved, That this Session apply to the Lancaster Presbytery for the ministeral labors of Rev. John Pitkin as ‘Stated Supply’ form that first of May, (this was April 27), for one year for half his time.”(Church growing before we only had one -third)

Following this action was another revival and increase in membership. The Rev. Pitkin enthused the people to “rise up speedily and build.” In May, 1836, the Building Committee for the Presbyterian Church of Dresden was appointed. God’s House is so dear to us we would remember these names.

Building Committee for the Presbyterian Church of Dresden: Laban Lemert, George W. Cass, W.W. Brice, Thomsa M. Barson, and Dr. A.H. Brown.

The building was begun in 1836 and by the summer of 1837 it was finished with rough seats for temporary use. In the spring of 1838 it was completed, at a cost of $1,500, and God’s people rejoiced.

Rev. Pitkin had resigned his pulpit in the late spring of 1836, after faithful, notable service of seven years. His departure was much regretted by all. Then the Church called one they already knew and loved for our Fifth Pastor.

Part 1 Part 3

Happy Hunting

Amanuensis Monday-History of Dresden Presbyterian Church 1819-1919/Part 1/

Amanuensis Monday – An Amanuensis is a person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another. 

The following History will be presented in 6 parts each one being posted on Monday.  This is a History of the Presbyterian Church in Dresden Ohio as of 1919, that is in my possession.  My Great Grandfather was the Pastor of the Church when this piece was commissioned. I have pulled it from a earlier posting on my rootsweb family website. I hope that it brings information you can use or maybe an interesting read. Enjoy! There is more to Dresden then baskets 😀

History of Dresden Presbyterian Church

written by Mrs. T.M. (Mary Louise Cresap) Stevenson

 “Hitherto that the Lord helped us.”- 1 Samuel 7, 12


Ohio became a State, November 24, 1802. So when the Presbyterian Church was organized, the State was only “sweet sixteen” and one month old. The town of Dresden was laid out by Major Jonathan Cass, a Revolutionary officer,who brought his family here, in 1801, and soon after laid out the town, which therefore, is as old as the State.Looking backward, as we should, what of our Nation is that year of our organization-1819? Our Fifth President waswas James Monroe, of Virginia, from 1819 to 1825. Today he is probably the most talked about of any of our former Presidents.


President Monroe and his Notable State Papers

The “Monroe Doctrine” is a Shibboleth to arouse every patriotic citizen, men and women, to enthusiasm. Our newspapers, religious and secular, or Senators and Congressmen, everybody, official and unofficial, are all discussing the Monroe Doctrine, as they believe it to be, for or againt. the “League of Nations.”

Nothing has so crystalized and immortalized patriotism in our land, for 1819 to 1919, as the famous Monroe Doctrine. “Friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none.” and the American continents by the free independent condition which they have assumed and maintain, are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European Power. France and Germany tried by sending Maximilian to Mexico; poor Maximilian and poor Carlota. How the past and the present are linked together! 1819-1919! President Wilson has been touring the country showing what he believes to be the harmony between the Monroe Doctrine and the League of Nations.”

In 1819, when the Dresden Presbyterian Church was organized, over in England, George III, the Pharoah, who oppressed our forefathers and called our Revolutinary War ” A Presbyterian Rebellion” (perhaps with astuteness as Presbyterians always stood for liberty), was still living. ( He died in 1820)

The times of 1819 were similar to those of 1919. an upheaval of the nations was just settling down. France and the “Man of Destiny” had been at war with England, Prussia, Germany and Russia. Bonaparte had been shorn of his power, like Germany today, and banished to St. Helens, as the Kaiser is an exile in foreign land; and on the lonely island in 1819 Bonaparte was then living, grieving, and the world was the, as it is today, drawing long breaths of peace and liberty, after this Wold War.


Some Events of 1819
In 1819 the very first ocean steamer crossed the Atlantic, from Savannah Ga., to Liverpool, Eng. In 1919 our brave aviator have crossed the same ocean in winged ships, by the “sky trail.”

In 1819 transportation was by horseback., Conestoga wagons, stage coach, and down the streams in flatboats. Today-1919- it is by autovans, carriages, or by the lightning express, sixty miles an hour, and across the continent in flying machines.

In 1819 the War of 1812 had been adjusted and a treaty of trade and commerce made with England. The “Star Spangled Banner,” the anthem of the War of 1812, had been written and sung form Lakes to Gulf and from Ocean to Ocean. A son of Maj. and Mrs. Jonathan Cass, two of the Charter members of the Dresden Presbyterian Chrauch, Capt. Charles L. Cass, served in the War of 1812 and was given a sword by the City of Zanesville for bravery. His great grandchildren are members today and active workers, viz., the family of Veda Howell, Mrs. Alta Stilt and Mrs. Mary Crabtree, etc.

Another son of these same Charter members of the Dresden Presbyterian Chruch, Gen. Lewis Cass, was Secretary of War, 1831 to 1836, and Secretary fo State 1857 to 1860, Governor of Michigan, and lastly, Democratic nominee for President of the United States in 1848. You see how this Dresden Presbyterian Church has been in touch with this great nation.

In this notable year of 1819, of the organization of this Dresden Presbyterian Church, another important event took place, viz., a treaty with Spain, who then ceded the whole of the province of Florida to the United States, which she had claimed since 1565. Spain also at that time-1819- settled the boundary of Mexico. It seems to us in the light of late events, the Hidaloys of Mexico don’t know this and its will take stronger hand than Spain’s to settle that matter.

In 1819 came the beginning of Ohio State legislation as to a canal connecting Lake Erie and the Ohio River. In 1819 the first railroad west of New York State led from Toledo, Ohio, to Adrian, Mich. In 1919 railroads touch nearly every town in Ohio; and Dresden has four.

It was a glorious epoch in which to begin a Church. Therefore, in 1819 the Dresden Presbyterian Church was organized in a log school house, about a mile below Adams Mills, where the main road comes out on the banks of the Muskingum. Since the days of your Pilgrim Fathers the Church and the School house have been closely connected.

The Ministerial Committee, sent by Presbytery that gathered with this little consecrated band of men and women in the log school house in 1819, were: Rev. James Culbertson, of Zanesville; Rev. Mr. Root of Cincinnati; and Rev. Prescott B. Smith, of Irville.

Rev. James Culbertson was the consecrated pastor of Zanesville First Presbyterian Church. He received a call to the largest Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, but declined, saying “his duty lay in Zanesville” and there he lived and served, 1811 to 1844, and died.

Of Rev. Mr. Root, of Cincinnati, we have been unable to learn anything.

Part 2

Happy Hunting!


Friday Family History/ Nehemiah Bowne b. 6 Jul 1708 Lower Freehold, Monmouth Co., New Jersey

Nehemiah Bowne is my  7th half Great grand-uncle. Nehemiah  was born to Andrew Bowne and Anna Seabrook in Lower Freehold, Monmouth Co., New Jersey on 6 July 1708, he married Deborah. Andrew Bowne was born in Middletown, Monmouth county, New Jersey and died about 1710. Andrew married before 1710 Anna Seabrook, after Andrew died, Anna then married the Rev. John Bray in about 1712 she had two son by John they were Daniel and Andrew Bray. It is from Andrew Bray that I descend.   Nehemiah also had a brother named Peter. Nehemiah’s last testament  includes brothers Daniel and Andrew Bray and a daughter named Mary Fisher, who is most likely a stepdaughter,  he died in 1738, he would have only been 30 at his death.

I must say that I have some very colorful ancestors! Many of them coming to the America’s to find religious freedom and yet still more looking for more freedom beyond the traditional religion of the area. Two that I can think of are, Elizabeth Fones Winthrop Feake Hallet who dared to stand up against her Uncle and the Church of New England (Congregational/Puritan) and Rev. John Bray who was at one time a member of the Church, either left Massachusetts on his own or asked to leave because of some of his beliefs. Rev. John became the Pastor of one of the first Baptist Churches in Middletown, Monmouth, New Jersey.   I don’t have a lot of information on his step-sons Nehemiah or Peter. I do know a lot of information on this family can be accessed  at Internet Archives in the text format of the book William Bowne, of Yorkshire, England and his descendants or at Google Books in several formats.  The book is by Miller K. Reading.

In reading in other places about this family may have family ties to the Boone and Lincoln families. I am not sure exactly what William Bowne and George Boone connection is other then a mention that they both descend from Humphrey de Bohun. So let me keep count here, hubbie is descended from George Boone III and I am half-niece to a Bowne.  Things sure are getting very convoluted in my children’s ancestry!!!  The Bowne isn’t blood, it is sure is close 😀

Below is a chart of my relationship to Nehemiah Bowne:



Common Ancestor
* Anna Seabrook
11 Reverend John Bray (? -1716) married 1712 *Anna Seabrook Andrew Bowne (? -Abt 1710) * Anna Seabrook married 1707
10 * Andrew Bray (1713-1789) married Margaret Watson
(1713- )
* Nehemiah Bowne 1708
9 John Shurts(Abt 1750-18130 married * Deliverance Bray (Abt 1752-1837)
8 * Andrew Shurtz(1778-1816)Married Ann (Nancy) Shurtz(Abt 1784-)
7 * John Hamilton Shurtz(1805-)married Nancy Curl(1807-1887)
6 Carman L. Terry (1828-1896)* married 31 Dec 1848 Sarah Elizabeth Shurtz(1832-1912)
5 Silas Jackson McCartney(1861-1926)* married 22 Oct 1886 Nancy “Nannie” Curl Terry(1868-1906)
4 * Arthur Cellus McCartney(1889-1971)married 4 Jul 1908 Christina S. Cutter(1889-1958)
3 * Willard Warren McCartney(1910-1996)married 2 Nov 1935 Adela Ruth Ogilvie(1905-1985)
2 * James Ross McCartney married Dency Jane Terrill
1 Julia K. McCartney

* descendants of Anna Seabrook

Happy Hunting!

Sarah Winthrop 29 April 1634 Happy Birthday Lil One/Family History Friday

Miss Sarah Winthrop the daughter of Gov. John Winthrop and Margaret Tyndal was born, according to Massachusetts, Town Vital Collections, 1620-1988 Record for John Ruggle, in the year 1634 on the  4th month 29 day. She was Christened on 20 Jun 1634 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts. “Massachusetts, Births and Christenings, 1639-1915,” Sarah Winthrop

As I have looked for more information on little Sarah/Sara I have found several places where it says that she died either in 34 or 35. Possibly, never seeing her first birthday. She was the last child of Margaret and John, that I am aware of.

I have often wondered why she was not named Anne. You might wonder why I should suggest that he should have named her Anne. In the Puritan world and many parts of England and Europe during that time period, there was a naming order that they followed. For a more information visit, Naming of Children by Massachusetts Puritans. If a child was born and didn’t live a long time many times the name is(Necronymn) used until the name “took”.  John had  three daughters before named Anne. Two of the baby girls with his first wife Mary Forth and one Anne, who died shortly after getting to the new world with her mother Margaret. This Anne was born just before Sarah. I wonder if John thought after three that providence was not allowing him to have a child named Anne. So to please God and hopefully have more living children he stopped the quest for a little Anne. We may never know why he no longer named any of his girls Anne.  I am sure he so wanted to honor his sister Anne and his mother Anne. John’s fathers name was Adam and there were many Adam’s among his sibling and nieces and nephews, that did not survive. I can’t imagine how heart breaking this must have been.

The little miss is my first cousin , eleven times removed,and my husbands first cousin 11 and 12 times removed .

Happy Birthday Sarah

Happy Hunting!

Ramblings about Genealogy, Faith, and Family