Harry Silas McCartney was born 4 Feb 1914, Holmes Co. Ohio. He was the son of Arthur C. and Christina C. Cutter McCartney.He married 30 May 1942 Rita G. Munenger. Harry died 20 Sept 1956.
Harry and Rita are my Great Grand Uncle and Aunt. Harry I never knew, Aunt Rita was a sweet heart as I recall.
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.
The story rendered below, was written and published by my Great Grandmother about 1924. I know of two copies and don’t know how many were published and passed around the family. I hope there are many left to be passed down to her descendants.
I share with you the Life Story of Barbara J. Kaye Ogilvie through her eyes. Enjoy
David M. and Barbara J. Kaye Ogilvie with their Children 1933
My Life Story
by Barbara Jane (Kaye) Ogilvie
To my Husband and Children
My Brothers and Sisters
I Dedicate this Poem
The last time I visited the scenes of my Childhood, it brought back to me sweet and sacred memories, although the many favored spots of my girlhood days were entirely obliterated, due to the many changes that the years had brought about on the landscape. The changes were for the better however, and the city was more beautiful, but to me something was lacking and consequently disappointing. In writing this story of my life I have made it as brief as possible, touching only the important events, lest I wear those who may read.
Barbara Jane Kaye
Dresden, Ohio, July, 1924.
My Life Story
On March thirty-first in the years long ago,
My eyes caught the first beam of light.
But those days and those years — how fast they have sped!
And seem just like a dream of the night.
My father was taken when I was but two,
The sorrow I cannot recall;
But to Mother and all of the dear ones,
‘Twas a terrible shock to them all.
Five children there were when he left us,
But in just two months there were seven;
God’s promise of care for the orphans
And also the widow were given.
Some friends came to see us one morning,
They had driven fifty miles and then some;
For they wanted to ease up the burden
By taking me back to their home.
Fresh air and good food were abundant,
And they taught me the things that were right,
But my room was a lone dreary prison
With no kiss or a mother’s “good night.”
My juvenile heart crushed within me,
No room there for laughter or mirth;
And at the end of two years I was pardoned,
And returned to the place of my birth.
For twelve and a half years I took refuge
With a kindly old lady near home,
Who had bread and to spare in abundance
To share with the unfortunate one.
She taught me one day how to bake it
And also the butter to churn,
And I soon had the privilege of milking
The cow with the old crumpled horn.
I went to the “mash house” one morning
To purchase some feed for the cow,
And I fell in the vat and was scalded —
The scars I am carrying now.
For three months I sat around helpless
In my mem’ry it is lingering still,
But it taught me a much needed lesson
To execute caution with will.
Six weeks was the length of vacation
Meted out to the children those days,
We made sure of a trip to Niagara —
And the rest spent in numberless ways.
I loved the old haunts of my childhood,
The woods and the old gravel pit
Where we gathered for sport in the winter
On the ice with those “borrowed misfits.”
My constant companion was “Nellie,”
I loved her and so did she me —
We shared all our joys and our sorrows
And she told all her secrets to me.
We went to the country together
To visit some very dear friends,
And tho’ it’s forty years now since it happened
I’m sure she remembers the end.
She now lives in London, Ontario,
And I’m hoping to see her some day,
To talk of our forty years’ wanderings
And the blessings we found on the way.
My guardian had promised her fortune
To me — if I’d be faithful and true —
But she failed so to write, and her wind took its flight
The outcome I guessed — couldn’t you?
So I waved a goodbye to my country
My schoolmates and all I held dear,
And joined the loved ones in Chicago
Who preceded me the space of three years.
My mother kept roomers and boarders
I assisted her all I was able.
But resented with looks at two boarders,
Who complained at the food on the table.
They wanted ice cream and fried chicken,
And a bed for four-fifty a week,
But they got a surprise the next morning
When invited new pastures to seek.
My education was sadly neglected,
So I went down to Galesburg one year,
At the end of the term I was sent for
To care for my mother so dear.
When she rallied I entered an office
To keep books for the good of my health,
And I weighed and sold coal to the public
In exchange for a part of their wealth.
Do you wonder I sought out a pilot
To guide my bark onward through life?
Thinking not of the joys and the sorrows
That were stacked for the minister’s wife.
We set up our home in Chicago
A mile west of the old Humboldt Park,
And we took the steam cars to the city
Or rode on shanks Mare in the dark.
The Sky Pilot’s lodge was no mansion,
‘Twas not finished in cherry or birch,
But we furnished with love and contentment
Those three rooms in the rear of the church.
At the end of one year we decided
To go to Wisconsin’s fair state;
But the precious wee bundle I carried
Made protests wherever we’d wait.
Four year and a fraction we tarried
To tell of God’s wonderful love;
How he suffered and died for our meanness,
And then rose to the mansions above.
Yes, there’s tender and sweet recollections
Of that home by the side of the road;
For our two precious boys “He” there gave us,
To train them and tell them of God.
We took our three lambs in the winter
And went west ‘mid the ice and the snow;
But we longed for those breezes in summer
When we went to Chicago’s big show.
The neighbors and friends in that Iowa town
Renovated our house with a will;
Where two more little girls sought a place in our hearts
And a seat at the table to fill.
Pottowattamie County was our next stopping place
Where luscious strawberries did grow,
There were cyclones and hills in abundance
But never a stone to throw.
The folks in that town, they were worldly,
Puffed up like balloons in their pride
Thinking only of power and prestige
And not of a Savior who died.
Unable to do much we left them
to work out their own destiny;
And sought us a station more hopeful
At the close of the last century.
This church proved to be such a medley
Made up of all sects with their creed
But united in service together
Sought to help the poor brother in need.
For their worldly but scanty possessions
Which the preacher was destined to share,
For the purpose of keeping him humble
They paid him seven hundred a year.
We kept us a cow and two horses
For service and pleasure those days;
As the “movies and Fords” were not heard of
We substituted picnics and plays.
One picnic we’ll always remember
Which was held by the Chickasaw Lake,
And the appetites we brought for the good things
I rose in the morning to bake.
Oh, that dinner who could ever forget it!
How we worked to have everything nice —
For some cows to devour in our absence,
Leaving nothing but lemons and ice.
Then Leona fell into the mill pond
But was rescued real quickly by “Win,”
Yes, that was a day of disasters
As many others have been.
We went down to Clarence that summer
In the year nineteen hundred and one
And we’ll never forget all the kindness
That was shown us from every one.
There are two noble souls in that village
On whose faces no creature could frown
But the friends that are left, in the winter
Go out west to Los Angeles town.
One friend she has never forgotten
The love of our little “Tow head,”
Since her dad who was sometimes forgetful,
Shut her up in the old folding bed.
Who can measure the love of the other
As she toils ‘mid her prodigies rare;
A sample of truest devotion
To the little ones placed in her care.
After battling ten years with the measles
And fevers and mumps that were great,
Along came two more precious jewels,
If you count right you’ll find there are eight.
We fed and we clothed them, and all were content,
Tho’ it took lots of planning to buy it;
But the problem to train them and fit them for life
‘Twasn’t easy! If you’re doubtful, just try it!
When the youngest was two we departed
Farther east where a home we were given
In the state where at first we got stared,
In that notable year of ’87.
The meeting house there it was dingy,
Out of keeping with the folds or the place;
So an effort was made to replace it,
With a new one of dimensions and grace.
Fifteen thousand was raised for the building
From the rich as well as the poor;
And when finished we learned to our sorrow
It was short just twelve thousand more.
The service was largely attended
At the laying of the big cornerstone;
There were speeches and timely devotion,
And praise to the Infinite One.
The little tin box was then buried
With its contents and writings of truth,
Including a shiny new penny,
Placed there in the name of our Ruth.
In ten months the church was completed
‘Twas a credit to all that took part,
And the pulpit was made and donated,
By the preacher who gave it the start.
The dedication took place in the winter,
And the debt was all raised the same day;
Now it stands as a haven of refuge
And a temple to those who do pray.
Our son who still lives in that city
Is a dentist with skill and research;
With his wife who directs all the music
Of the city as well as the church.
It’s a pleasure to see the improvements
That’s been made in that Illinois town,
Three churches, a school and a depot,
Paved streets and the lighting that’s fine.
Since we left for the school in the mountains
Where we tarried the best part of a year,
Doing all that we could for the students
Who seemed anxious God’s message to hear.
The creek by our house how it murmured
As it passed by the old mountain road,
Rushing over the stones and the boulders
On its way to the noted “French Broad.”
The wild flowers grew in abundance
As well as some natives I know;
For one “House” had twenty-three children,
But nine of them only did grow.
The wife in that mountaineer’s cabin,
Rolled the logs never daring to tire;
While the men sat in idleness smoking
By the warmth of that open grate fire.
But I must go on with my story,
And leave those poor souls to their fate;
It is seven years now since we left them
But the story seems hard to relate.
From North to South we have traveled
And also from East to the West,
But of all the fair states in the Union,
The one we call home seems the best.
Eighteen houses I’ve lived in from my birth until now,
Who is there can prophecy more —
For the fate of the preacher in this land of ours,
Is to travel from shore unto shore.
Our five girls have left us for homes of their own,
The youngest is still at her post;
But we’ll never surrender the love for each one
Tho’ they leave when we need them the most.
One is wed to a Doctor in an Illinois town
and the next to a Dominee true;
While the balance is getting an income,
From business that each one can do.
Is it needful to speak of the dear one
Who made the supreme sacrifice;
For the love of mankind and his country
He journeyed and paid the big price.
We laid him to rest in God’s acre
In Crown Hill on the Government lot,
Which will always be tenderly cared for
And his mem’ry will ne’er be forgot.
But our hearts are so sad and so lonely,
For his face we shall never see more
Till the time when our labors are ended
And we meet on eternity’s shore.
‘Twon’t be long when the journey is over
In my weakness I’m trying to mend —
Where I’ve failed in fulfilling my mission
As mother, or sister or friend.
May this message be used for God’s glory,
In the lives of the dear ones who read,
His Grace will suffice on Life’s Journey
If you follow where Jesus doth lead.
Uploaded headstone pictures to Find-A-Grave or a similar site
Documented ancestors for four generations (self, parents, grandparents, great-grandparents) [not quite done]
Joined Facebook.
Cleaned up a run-down cemetery.
Joined the Genea-Bloggers Group.
Attended a genealogy conference.
Lectured at a genealogy conference.
Spoke on a genealogy topic at a local genealogy society/local library’s family history group.
Joined the National Genealogical Society.
Contributed to a genealogy society publication. Not yet, but I will.
Served on the board or as an officer of a genealogy society.
Got lost on the way to a cemetery.
Talked to dead ancestors.
Researched outside the state in which I live.
Knocked on the door of an ancestral home and visited with the current occupants.
Cold called a distant relative.
Posted messages on a surname message board.
Uploaded a gedcom file to the internet.
Googled my name(and those of ancestors)found a cousin by googling my name, there was a Julia Hogston in husbands family 😀
Performed a random act of genealogical kindness.
Researched a non-related family, just for the fun of it.
Have been paid to do genealogical research.
Earn a living (majority of income) from genealogical research. I’d love to be able to do this, but haven’t found the right formula!
Wrote a letter (or email) to a previously unknown relative.
Contributed to one of the genealogy carnivals.
Responded to messages on a message board.
Was injured while on a genealogy excursion.
Participated in a genealogy meme.
Created family history gift items. Cook book for daughter with so of Grandma’s recipes
Performed a record lookup.
Took a genealogy seminar cruise.
Am convinced that a relative must have arrived here from outer space.
Found a disturbing family secret.
Told others about a disturbing family secret (but not all of the secrets).
Combined genealogy with crafts (family picture quilt, scrapbooking).
Think genealogy is a passion and/or obsession not a hobby.
Assisted finding next of kin for a deceased person.
Taught someone else how to find their roots. I was a host in the beginners chat at the Golden Gates Genealogy Forum on AOL for several years. I hope I taught someone something 😀
Lost valuable genealogy data due to a computer crash or hard drive failure.
Been overwhelmed by available genealogy technology.
Know a cousin of the 4th degree or higher. Married my 7,8,9 cousin hee hee hee!
Disproved a family myth through research.
Got a family member to let you copy photos.
Used a digital camera to “copy” photos or records. Always
Translated a record from a foreign language.
Found an immigrant ancestor’s passenger arrival record. Found that travels of a great Aunt to Hawaii then Singapore, but no such luck with immigrants yet.
Looked at census records on microfilm, not on the computer.
Used microfiche.
Visited the Family History Library in Salt Lake City.
Used Google+ for genealogy.
Visited a church or place of worship of one of your ancestors.
Taught a class in genealogy. Again on AOL in the Beginners Chat, special presentation.
Traced ancestors back to the 18th Century.
Traced ancestors back to the 17th Century.
Traced ancestors back to the 16th Century.
Can name all of your great-great-grandparents.
Know how to determine a soundex code without the help of a computer. Does a cheat sheet count?
Have found many relevant and unexpected articles on internet to “put flesh on the bones”.
Own a copy of Evidence Explained by Elizabeth Shown Mills.
Helped someone find an ancestor using records you had never used for your own research.
Visited the main National Archives building in Washington, DC.
Have an ancestor who came to America as an indentured servant. My children do.. grandfather in there Dad’s lineage.
Have an ancestor who fought in the Revolutionary War, War of 1812 or Civil War.
Taken a photograph of an ancestor’s tombstone.
Can “read” a church record in Latin. Wish I could half bold! I took Latin in HS not sure if it would serve me or not 😀
Have an ancestor who changed his/her name, just enough to be confusing.
Joined a Rootsweb mailing list. Moderate two
Created a family website.
Have a genealogy blog.
Was overwhelmed by the amount of family information received from someone.
Have broken through at least one brick wall.
Done genealogy research at a court house.
Borrowed microfilm from the Family History Library through a local Family History Center(s).
Found an ancestor in an online newspaper archive.
Have visited a NARA branch.
Have an ancestor who served in WWI or WWII.
Use maps in my genealogy research.
Have a blacksheep ancestor.
Found a bigamist amongst my ancestors.
Attended a genealogical institute.
Taken online genealogy (and local history) courses.
Consistently (document) and cite my sources.
Visited a foreign country (i.e. one I don’t live in) in search of ancestors.
Can locate any document in my research files within a few minutes.
Had an ancestor married four times.
Made a rubbing of an ancestor’s gravestone.
Followed genealogists on Twitter.
Published a family history book.
Learned of a death of a fairly close family relative through research.
Offended a family member with my research.
Reunited someone with precious family photos or artifacts.
Have a paid subscription to a genealogy database.
Submitted articles for FamilySearch Wiki.
Organized a family reunion. working on one for next year
Randy Seaver at Genea-Musing has posted the Saturday Night Genealogy Fun, challenge for this week.
His instructions were as follows:
1) When have you had a dose of good genealogy luck? What document or resource did you find just by happenstance or chance? By being in the right place at the right time? By finding a family history treasure in your family’s attic or basement? By finding a helpful document or reference without even looking for it?
2) Tell us (Genea-Musing)about it in Comments to that post, in Comments on Facebook or Google Plus, or in a blog post of your own.
When my Grandfather passed away, and the estate was being divided, I let a cousin take many of the hard copy photos home. At that point in time I wasn’t really working on my Dad’s family, but rather working on my husbands genealogy. I knew Dave was doing my Dad’s side of the family and would take care of them.
About a year after that, my sister said, you know I have a few boxes in the garage that Aunt Jenny put together for Dad. Well, I hi-jacked it. Dad has never really seemed to have a working interest in his history. There were many wonderful things in it, which I will most likely write about in the future.
I have recently gone through the box again and found a bunch of photos, and to top it off I found some old negatives. These negatives have turned into a wonderful find. Many of them are taken in the 1930’s and include pictures of my Great Grandparents their children, spouses, and some of their grandchildren! Some of these people I probably met at one time or another, but I don’t recall them and I surely wouldn’t remember them at this time of their lives! I am developing them in batches and posting them on shutterfly to share with family and to get names on them. I don’t how much luckier one can get.
So many people have brick walls in their genealogy. I have some of those as well, but my McCartney is more like a fence with a good sized knot hole in it. I can see the possible family on the other side, but I can’t get them connected.
John McCartney, by a few family histories is my fifth great grandfather. Oscar Burton Robbins in his Jackson Family history, states that John was the father of Isaiah McCartney and that he was the husband of Margret Clyde who was the daughter of Michael and Bridget Clyde. I also have a copy of an application for John through DAR done by a 2 nd great Aunt and submitted in 1908, which also states the above, but with little other information.
I have information that puts John and Isaiah in the same areas of Pennsylvania. I find information, putting John McCartney in Leigh, in a list of names with Michael Clyde as petitioners who were ordered to produce a draft for the proposed township (Allen) at the next court.
On the 1810 census I find Isaiah and part of his family in or near Derry Pa. Then again later in Ohio where they moved to. There is also an news article that Isaiah posted looking for his father in law James Hudders.
In short I can put Isaiah and his family together and I can with some certainty put John with his wife and in-laws, but to prove that Isaiah was the son of John, I have not been able to do thus far. I will keep plugging along and hopefully I am climbing the correct tree.
1. John McCartney was born before 1750 in Scotland and died after 1780
in Columbia Co. PA. John married Margaret Clyde, daughter of Michael Clyde and Bridget.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 2 M i. Isaiah McCartney was born on 17 Nov 1776 in Scotland?,
died on 27 Feb 1847 in Salt Creek Township, Wayne Co., OH
at age 70, and was buried in Fredericksburg West Side
3 F ii. Jennet McCartney was born in PA.
Second Generation (Children)
2. Isaiah McCartney was born on 17 Nov 1776 in Scotland?, died on 27 Feb
1847 in Salt Creek Township, Wayne Co., OH at age 70, and was buried
in Fredericksburg West Cemetery.
Isaiah married Lettice Hudders, daughter of James
Hudders and Eliza Clyde, about 1800 in Columbia County,
PA By Rev. J.B. Patterson. Lettice was born on 15 May 1786 in
Pennsylvania, died on 1 Mar 1864 in Salt Creek Township, Wayne Co., OH
at age 77, and was buried in Fredericksburg West Side Cemetery.
Children from this marriage were:
4 M i. William D. McCartney was born on 20 Jan 1805.
5 F ii. Eliza Clyde McCartney was born on 2 Sep 1807.
6 M iii. John Miller McCartney was born on 6 Dec 1809.
7 F iv. Margaret Hudders McCartney was born on 8 Jan 1812.
8 M v. James McCartney was born on 26 Feb 1814.
+ 9 M vi. Samuel Craig McCartney was born on 29 Jun 1816 in Knox
Co OH and died in 1863 in Fredricksburgh OH at age 47.
10 F vii. Mary A. McCartney was born on 9 Mar 1819 in Ohio.
+ 11 M viii. Robert McCartney was born on 17 Aug 1821 in PA.
12 M ix. Isaiah Peterson McCartney was born on 6 Mar 1824.
13 F x. Lettice McCartney [2088] was born on 30 Dec 1826 in Ohio.
14 M xi. Enos McCartney [2089] was born on 14 Oct 1829.
15 M xii. Cornelius McCartney [2090] was born on 4 Jul 1833 in Ohio.