Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another. From The National Standard Encyclopedia
Amanuensis Monday was started on the Transylvanian Dutch Blog. This link will take you to the page about Amanuensis and why one should transcribe the records !
Marriage Returns Holmes Co. Ohio October 1871
page 162
Granted-October 9, 1871 Marriage License
Was granted this day to
Robert Cowell and Miss Elizabeth Arnold
Thomas Armor Probate Judge
Affidavit- blank
Return-State of Ohio, Holmes County
I certify that on the 10th day of October A.D. 1871
Robert Co(a)well and Elizabeth Arnold were legally joined in marriage by me a
Minister of the Gospel D.R. (?) No. 3233
October 10, 1871 marriage license
Was granted to
Joseph McDowel and Jamima Phillips
Thomas Armor Probate Judge
Affidavit-State of Ohio, Holmes County
Personally came Joseph McDowel apply for License for himself to be
Married to Jamima Phillips who being sworn, says he the said
Joseph McDowel is over the age of twenty one and unmarried,
that said Jamima Phillips is over the age of eighteen year and is unmarried,
resides in Holmes County, and they are not nearer in kin as first (handwritten second) cousins, and he knows no legal impediment to said marriage. His Signature Joseph McDowel
Return- State of Ohio, Holmes County
I certify that on the 15th day of October AD 1871
Joseph McDowel and Jamima Phillips where legally joined
in marriage by me a Minister of the Gospel
W.L. Sharpe No. 3234
Granted- October 17, 1871
Marriage License was this day granted to
Charles B. Dickey
and Letty McCartney
Thomas Armor Probate Judge
Return-State of Ohio, Holmes County
I certify on the 19th of October AD 1871
Charles B. Dickey and Letty McCartney
were legally joined in marriage by me a
Minister of the Gospel, Geo. W. Peppet no. 3235
page 163
Granted-October 20, 1871
Marriage License was this day granted to
William J. Porter and Margret Emmons
Thomas Armor Probate Judge
Affidavit-Personally came William I Porter
apply for license for himself to be married to Margaret
Emmons, being sworn, says he the said William I Porter
is over the age of 21 years, is unmarried and the said Margaret
Emmons is over the age of 18 yrs , and is unmarried resides in
Holmes County and they are not nearer akin then first (handwritten second)
cousins, and he knows of no legal impediment to said marriage.
William I. Porter Sworn to and abscribed to me this 20th day of October
1871 Thomas Armor Probate Judge
Return-State of Ohio, Holmes County
I certify on the 2 day of October AD 1871
William I. Porter and Margaret Emmons
were legally joined in marriage by me a
Minister of the Gospel D.R. Moor no. 3236
Granted- October 21, 1871
Marriage License was this day granted to
Daniel D. Frozer and Susan Oliver
Thomas Armor Probate Judge
Return-State of Ohio, Holmes County
I certify that on the 22 day of October 1871
Daniel D. Frozer and Susan Oliver were legally
joined in marriage by me a Minister of the Gospel
Frederick I Chase no.3237
Granted October 25, 1871 Marriage License
Was this day granted to
David Mast and Barbary Koser
Return- State of Ohio, Holmes County
I certify that on the 29th day of October 1871
Daniel Mast and Barbara Kaser were legally
joined in marriage by me a Justice of the Peace
Daniel Bots. no.3238
Hope you find some one you know or that you may have been looking for! Let me know, you might be kin as Miss McCartney and Mr. Dickey are Great x3 Grand Aunt and Uncle to me!
Happy Hunting!