Category Archives: Genealogy

Sentimental Sunday-The Ripple of Our Lives

John DonneNo man is an Island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friends or of thine own were; any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee. John DonneMeditation XVII

Mr. Donne had a very good point, each of us touch more lives than we ever know. We do not stand alone, even if we choose being alone our lives still touch someone at one time or another.

I have been lucky to find some extended family while doing my family research, some have found me to correct errors and others I have found while doing research or just by watching post on Facebook, generated by other cousins and those that comment on their statuses.

I was talking to a cousin that is four years younger than I. Mike and I were talking about spending time at my grandparents home in Kirtland. There were a lot of shared memories many of them warm. I don’t know why as their grandchild that I thought Nana and Grandpa had no contact with other children (even though I knew better), that we were the only ones they ever entertained. Mike shared with me how that they used to climb the hay stacks, humph I thought, we were never allowed to do climb the hay stacks. I am wondering if it was because they where boys and we were girls, or maybe Mom and Dad just didn’t want us climbing.

Then Mike started to tell me how he rode our bikes, you notice how I put OUR bikes. When Grandpa told me once to take good care of them because they were for all the kids, this little child mind of mine thought he meant my Uncle Tom’s three kids,  my sister, and I. I will tell you at the age of 53  I had a short knee jerk reaction and I had to hold my tongue! I wanted so to say Mike what were you doing riding our bikes! How dare you! I didn’t cause I really knew that those were for all the kids.

I was talking to another cousin the other day and she had said she always loved it when Uncle Mac took them for rides on the tractor, well here I go again…what! Grandpa how dared you give anyone else a ride on the tractor! ( I know I am being totally ridiculous!)

These cousins are dear to me and they have given me a new look at my grandparents from different eyes . They have stories to tell that are different from mine, but yet very much the same.  I doubt Nana and Grandpa treated them any different then they treated me…hummm, maybe not, seeing I was the first-born grandchild, oh there is that little self sneaking in there. I may have had a special spot in their hearts, I am sure that their great nieces and nephews were very special to them as they are to me now.

No man is an island, his life touches many. It makes my heart glad to know that my grandparents touched many lives while they were here on this earth, that they shared love with many.

My prayer is that when my life is over it will tell a similar tale. That of one who touched many and that they are now the better for it as they walk through there lives.

Happy Hunting!

Friday Family History/ Happy 189th Birthday William Sterling

The branch that  William Sterling sets on in my tree is an Uncle. He is the brother of my 3rd great grand-mother Sarah Sterling Starrett wife of Charles B. Starrett of MD.

William was born I believe in Ohio and more specifically Prairie Township Holmes Co. Ohio as we find his father there in 1850, of course that is not conclusive enough to say beyond a doubt, just too many years between birth and this census. I will need to find the earlier censuses and confirm this. His father was from Westmoreland County, PA so that is another direction to look.

I believe as an adult William lived with his wife Katy/Kate in Cleveland, Whitley Co., Indiana, for I find a gentleman with the name of William Sterling born in 1822 in Ohio in both the 1860 and 188o census for the state of Indiana. In the 1880 census we find him with his wife and 3 of his children and possibly a grandchild. Flem. (short for Fleming ) age 24 Male, Hopkins age 21 Male, Cassius age 18  Male and Kittie Money age 5 female.

Image from

In the 1860 census we find him with a Mary aged 41 F. I am guessing this is a first wife as in the 1880 census Katy is younger and not older than William, or she may well be Mary Catherine, something I need to look into further and the age is incorrect and we know that just never happens when dealing with the ladies! Son James age 7, son Fleming age 4 and it looks like Wolkins age 1 ( I am thinking that is Hopkins).

There are still many questions that need answered and another road which to travel in this search for ancestors.

If you are part of this family I would really love to hear from you!

Happy Hunting!

Treasure Chest Thursday/ Grandparents

Gloria Bush, Marilyn Butler, Janet Ogilvie Center: David M. Ogilvie, Norman R. (Bud) Frazier, Barbara Kaye Ogilvie back: Warde Butler, Jr., Dorothy Davis, David Frazier, Barbara Butler, Donald Ogilvie

 Children’s children are the crown of old men,
And the glory of children is their father.
Proverbs 17:6

I often times wonder what my life might be like today if there had not been men of God in my family. What would my views on life be like, what would my circumstances be like?

I know that most of these men did not touch my life physically as at least four that I can name had passed before I was born. Great Grandpa Ogilvie,  Great Grand Uncle Alexander Kaye and Great Grand Uncle James R. Kaye and last but certainly not least Great Uncle Harry Bush, where all men of the cloth. Really at this point I must say had it not been for James and Alex, I would probably would not be writing of this family.  The story goes that Alex and David were in Seminary together at  the Chicago Theological Seminary. As chance would have it Alex took his friend Dave home to a good home cooked meal and matters of the heart ensued. Dave’s eye fell on Alex’s sister Barbara and the rest is history. Their marriage took place on 17 May 1887 in Chicago Ill.

It says in the bible James 5:16….The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. I must wonder if the prayers of these men’s parents were answered. I know that Alex and James’ father kept them in prayer even when James was not yet born. James was born shortly after his father, Byron’s, death. In a letter written by the mother Ellen shortly after the death of her husband she wrote this…

“I can give you but a brief account of your Dear Brothers last days on the morning of the 6th of March we had Breakfast at 7 oclock  we had worship as usual he read the 9th ch of the romans passed some remarks on the lecture the minister gave the evening before kneeled down & commended himself & family to the care of his heavenly father the children had gathered around me to say the Lords prayer  he turned round & looked at them left the house…”

Byron did not return home alive, yet if this is the habit he had in life he had his family constantly in front of the throne. I would dare say he would have been proud of his boy’s, his son-in-law and at least one grandson-in-law.

Did the prayers of these men for their families bring blessing upon their families? Maybe from the outsiders eyes it might not seem so, but being among the children of children I can say my life has abounded with blessing, with loving and caring grandparents, parents, aunt and uncles. I would say that the great blessing is knowing that I am one of God’s children and that he loves me beyond compare. This of course is only one part of my family. There are and were Godly men in my mothers lineage that must have prayed for their generations as well.

I guess my point in all this is that treasures come in all different forms, but I truly believe that the treasures we lay up in heaven are the lives of our loved ones and our descendants as we seek to follow the Lord and we place their welfare in the Lord’s hands.


Amanuensis Monday/Schedule B.- Marriages Muskoka Ontario Canada 1888 divison of Monch

Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another. From The National Standard Encyclopedia

Amanuensis Monday was started on the Transylvanian Dutch Blog. This link will take you to the page concerning Amanuensis and why one should transcribe the records !

Schedule B.- Marriages  Muskoka, Ontario Canada 1888 divison of Monck

Number 007341

His Name: Cornelius Frank Butler

Age: Forty three years

Residence when married: Fairmount Tp of Monck(h)
Place of Birth: London, England

Bachelor or Widower: Bachelor

Rank of Profession: J.P

Names of Parents: Charles Butler, Eliza Eve Butler

Her Name: Amy Heatley Pooler

Age: Twenty Years

Residence when married: Fairmount Tp Monck(h)
Place of Birth: Shropshire, England

Spinster or Widow: Spinster

Parents Names: Henry Pooler, Sarah Ann Pooler

Names and Residences of Witnessess: Walter H. Pooler and

John Peoverr of the Township of Monck

Date and place of Marriage: October 20th 1887 Fairmount Tp of Monck(h)
Religious Denomination of Bridegroom: Church of England

Religious Denomination of Bride: Church of England

By whom Married: Revd. S. Knight

By Licsence of Banns: Banns



Number 007342

His Name: Abel Kaye

Age: Twenty eight

Residence when married: Point-Kaye Muskoka

Place of Birth: County Wellington, Ont.

Bachelor or Widower: Bachelor

Rank or Profession: Farmer

Parents Names: Charles & Sarah Kaye

Her Name: Martha Jane Smith

Age: twenty four years

Residence when married: Point Kaye Muskoka

Place of Birth: Liverpool, England

Spinster or Widow: Spinster

Parents Names: George and Martha Smith

Names and Residence of Witnessess: Lilly Cook, (Tp Walt)

Amanda Kay (Point Kay)

Bella MCallum (Bracebridge)

Date and place of Marriage: January 2 nd 1888

Point Kay

Religious Demonination of Bridegroom: Methodist

Religious Demonination of Bride: Episcopalian

By whom Married: Wilson McDonald

By License or Banns: License

Remarks: none


Number 7343

His Name: John Kaye

Age: twenty six

Residence when married: Monck, Muskoka

Place of Birth: County Wellington, Ont.

Bachelor or Widower: Bachelor

Rank or Profession: Farmer

Names of Parents Charles and Sarah Kaye

Her Name: Lily V. Cook

Age: twenty one years

Residence when married:Stephenson, Muskoka

Place of Birth:County of  Prescott, Ont

Spinster or Widow: Spinster

Names of Parents: John and Mary E. Cook

Names and Residences of Witnessess:

Walter Kaye (Point Kaye)

Bryon Kaye (Bracebridge)

John E. Cook (Bracebridge)

Amanda I. Kaye (Point Kaye)

Charlotte Leith (Reymond)

Emily Troute(o)n (Bracebridge)

Date and place of Marriage: Feburary 6 th 1888

Point Kaye Muskoka.

Happy Hunting