All posts by Julia Hogston

Christian, Family Historian, Wife, Mom, Grandma

Saturday Night Genealogical Fun-What is your Matrilineal Line?

This weeks SNGF from Randy Seaver is  What is Your Matrilineal Line? (I am a few? days late posting this you can still have fun with this and I don’t think Randy would mind hearing from you even at this late 😀


Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to:

1) List your matrilineal line – your mother, her mother, etc. back to the first identifiable mother. Note: this line is how your mitochondrial DNA is passed to you!

2) Tell us if you have had your mitochondrial DNA tested, and if so, which Haplogroup you are in.

3) Post your responses on your own blog post, in Comments to this blog post, or in a Status line on Facebook or in your Stream at Google Plus.

4)  If you have done this before, please do your father’s matrilineal line, or your grandfather’s matrilineal line, or your spouse’s matrilineal line.

5)  Does this list spur you to find distant cousins that might share one of your matrilineal lines?


Here is mine:

Julia K. McCartney Hogston

Dency Terrill (1939 Cleveland ,Ohio ) married James McCartney

Arleen L. Beach (13 Aug 1907 Ashtabula, Ashtabula County, Ohio-2 Sep 1972 Willoughby, Lake County, Ohio) married Walter I. Terrill

Adah Mae Upson (11 Dec 1882 Geneva, Ashtabula County, Ohio-29 Jul 1929 Conneaut, Ashtabula County, Ohio) married Clark I. Beach

Kitty Sweet (23 Jul 1858-8 Jun 1935) m. Frank Upson

Betsey Eliz Cheney (before 3 Nov 1853 Conneaut, Ashtabula County, Ohio) m. Pembrook Summerset Sweet

My mother just received the results from her test and we belong to Haplogroup H.

I think it would be fun meeting distant cousins that belong to the same group, but doing genealogy on the internet I am sure I have already met or have been in contact with a few. We just don’t know it yet.

Betsy is our problem child in this part of the family.  This is running late because Mom was out-of-town and I wasn’t sure what group she had said. Then I just didn’t get around to finishing this up and posting it.

Happy Hunting!

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun – Ancestor Name Roulette

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun – Ancestor Name Roulette

Hosted by Randy Seaver at Genea-Musings

Here is your assignment if you choose to play along (cue the Mission Impossible music, please!):

1) What year was one of your great-grandfathers born?  Divide this number by 50 and round the number off to a whole number. This is your “roulette number.”

2) Use your pedigree charts or your family tree genealogy software program to find the person with that number in your ancestral name list (some people call it an “ahnentafel”). Who is that person, and what are his/her vital information?

3) Tell us three facts about that person in your ancestral name list with the “roulette number.”

4) Write about it in a blog post on your own blog, in a Facebook status or a Google Stream post, or as a comment on Genea-Musing blog post.

5) If you do not have a person’s name for your “roulette number” then spin the wheel again – pick a great-grandmother, a grandparent, a parent, a favorite aunt or cousin, yourself, or even your children!

Here is mine

I chose my great grandfather Arthur C. McCartney (1889-1971), divide 1889 by 50 and you get 37.78 rounded to 38 and that brings us to

2)  My third great grandfather Charles B. Starrett (Sterrett) vital information that I have on Charles B. Starrett are from the 1880 and  1850 United States Census for Ohio. His birth year is given as 1820 and the birth state is Maryland. His spouse is Sarah Sterling Starrett. He and Sarah where residing in Franklin, Wayne Co. Ohio in 1880. The census also gives Ireland as his fathers birthplace and his mothers birthplace as Pennsylvania as well as Sarah’s birthplace. Charles surname is spelled Sterrette on his daughter Sarah Jane Starrett Cutter death certificate.

3) Three facts about Charles B. Starrett (Sterrett) are:

a. Charles and Sarah Starrett had at least two children:
Sarah Jane Starrett b. 6 Jun 1863 Wayne Co. OH d. 4 Jan 1924 she married Harry M. Cutter on 25 Oct 1883 Wayne Co., OH. (my second great grandparents)
John Beatty Sterret  b. 26 Apr 1858 Ohio d. 3 Nov 1933 Shreve, Wayne, Ohio he married Margaret Carson.

b. Charles’ fathers name was David. Mothers name Jane (1850 Census)

c.  He had possibly two sisters Ann and Elizabeth. (1850 census)

Happy Hunting!

Amanuensis Monday-History of Dresden Presbyterian Church History 1819-1919 /Part 5/

Amanuensis Monday – An Amanuensis is a person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another. 

The following History will be presented in 6 parts each one being posted on Monday.  This is a History of the Presbyterian Church in Dresden Ohio as of 1919, that is in my possession.  My Great Grandfather was the Pastor of the Church when this piece was commissioned. I have pulled it from a earlier posting on my rootsweb family website. I hope that it brings information you can use or maybe an interesting read. Enjoy! There is more to Dresden then baskets 😀

1819- Dresden Presbyterian Church History -1919
written by Mrs. T.M. (Mary Louise Cresap) Stevenson

Chronology Continued

Thirteenth Pastor-Rev. F.B. Shumaker

In the fall after the resignation of Dr. Barnes, September 6th, Rev. F.B. Shumaker took charge of this field, with his young wife. Their son, John Calvin, was the first child born in the Manse, and was consequently very dear to the congregation. It was with sorrowful tidings to us when he passed away. When Rev. Shumaker was ready and willing to go, after four years’ stay, it seemed almost wrong to this congregation. God’s blessing had rested upon his labors and those of Mrs. Shumaker. Her sweet voice lingers with us yet, and her gentle presence. But after a season of Church prosperity and blessing they went, regretted by all.

Fourteenth Pastor-Rev. Dr. D. W. Macleod
(April 12, 1908-November 30, 1912)

The following spring after Rev. Shumaker accepted another call, we were very fortunate in securing the services of Dr. and Mrs. Macleod. Mrs. Macleod seemed on of us, from the very beginning. Little Martha added greatly to the life of the manse, which was still the house of the people. The Sabbath School Teachers meetings were power with Dr. Macleod as leader. The Prayer Meetings were programs on which every member on the Church roll had a place at least once a year, thus insuring their presence-three or four on duty each meeting, to sing, recite, read a paper on Church history and heroes. One who serves is always more interested. Dr. Macleod gave us many doctrinal sermons, making deep things plain. This fed the flock and rejoiced the hearts of the thinkers. Again the Church was blessed with many new additions.

Little Martha was not long alone in the manse. Wee Christina and Donald Jr., came along to add to the joy of the home and the congregation. The children of our beloved pastors are our very won and we shall always keep in touch with them all, from the Lehmans, on and on.

But other fields were white to the harvest, and like our other pastors, Dr. Macleod thought he must go where he could reach the greatest numbers. Mrs. Macleod, besides all her family cares, was always ready for service, ministering to the sick, answering calls for aid and the many demands on heart and hands. After a short four and a half years they went to East Liverpool, where they are doing a wonderful work. Instead of murmuring we should be thankful for the blessings we received through these anointed ones and be willing to share with these others-(but we are not very).

Fifteenth Pastor-Rev. S.V. Bergen
(March 30, 1913-April 28, 1915)

Rev. Bergen came of a ministerial family. His father, Rev. S.L. Bergen, was at Frazeysburg at the same time, and his brother, Rev. H. Bergen, was at Dennison. Rev. Bergen took charge of this Church at the time of the flood of 1913. He endeared himself greatly to the working men by laboring with them , night and day, in those strenuous times, evincing through his labors, his kindly humanity, aiding them untiringly, all these days to save the lives and the property of the poor and the stranded. One working man remarked, when the worst was over, to a Presbyterian, “That preacher of yours is every inch a man; he never quits till we all quit.” Mrs. Bergen assisted in the choir and did what she could, being an invalid. To them and to us, came another child to the manse. Rev. Bergen was a good sermonizer and full of energy. One sermon on “John Huss, the Martyr,” was greatly appreciated by all. To Rev. Bergen we owe the Tabernacle and a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and an uplift to the whole community. Many were added to the various church ” of such as shall be saved.”

After two years service Rev. Bergen resigned. His last message to us was a sad one; “Our little William has passed to the Heavenly Father’s care.” This message came from a Y.M.C.A. Army Camp, where Rev. Bergen was serving God and his country.

Sixteenth Pastor-Rev. D.M. Ogilvie
(April 28, 1915-1934*)

It is a great blessing to a Church to have only a short interim between pastors. Piety is at a low ebb when the people are indifferent. Few Churches have been as fortunate in its pastors as the Dresden Presbyterian Church. We are thankful to God for our “Apostolic Succession.”

For their eminent Christian character, their high intellectual agility, their great efficiency and the universal charm and grace of manner in all these pastors, and their wives have been elect, self-sacrificing ladies, who combined the spirit of Mary and the capability of Martha; and who the Lord has blessed us, and through our Church, advanced His own Kingdom these one hundred years. Truly, “Hitherto hath the Lord helped us.”

We believe in long pastorates. We hope this one may round out a quarter of a century at least. Shall we review this Apostolic Succession to whom we owe so much, first adding our testimony to generous hospitality, the pleasant companionship and great efficiency of the present Mistress of the Manse? They, too have passed through the deep waters, their son Kaye dying for his country in the fields of France, just when we expected danger was over.

* date added to booklet by Adela Ruth Oglivie Mccartney (daughter of David M. and Barbara J. Ogilvie)

This was not in original text,
so forgive me of my pride!! Picture of David M. Ogilvie,
I believe to be taken in front of his beloved Presbyterian Church in Dresden.
David M. and Barbara J. Ogilvie are my Great-Grandparents.
David O. and Barbra J. Kaye Ogilvie circa 1933
 Part 4  Part 6

Amanuensis Monday-History of Dresden Presbyterian Church 1819-1919 /Part 4/

Amanuensis Monday – An Amanuensis is a person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another. 

The following History will be presented in 6 parts each one being posted on Monday.  This is a History of the Presbyterian Church in Dresden Ohio as of 1919, that is in my possession.  My Great Grandfather was the Pastor of the Church when this piece was commissioned. I have pulled it from a earlier posting on my rootsweb family website. I hope that it brings information you can use or maybe an interesting read. Enjoy! There is more to Dresden then baskets 😀

1819- Dresden Presbyterian Church History -1919

 written by Mrs. T.M. (Mary Louise Cresap) Stevenson

Ninth Pastor- Rev. Adolph Lehman

In September, 1878, Rev. Adolph Lehman took charge of this Church. For nine years Rev. Lehman studied the best interest of this Church and community and the work of his hands and heart were abundantly blessed. Mrs. Lehman was a true helpmeet, though with manifold duties, with four stirring little people, to keep up with. There were Ray now M.D.,Mary Augusta, a Y.W. worker in New York City, Carl, attorney-at-law in Cincinnati, and Frank Scott, Captain Lehman of the Army. These are ours born here. We are proud of them. All of Rev. Lehman’s sons and daughters are doing Christian work in their locations. Rev. and Mrs. Lehman have both been called up higher.

Tenth Pastor-Rev. James Deighton

One month after Rev. Lehman left, Rev. Deighton was called. He was very strong intellectually and very companionable. We remember a number of his sermons: “The Destructive Penknife.” and “The Soldier’s Dream” were two. As the family did not move here his was a short pastorate. A daughter, Miss Ada, came on a visit and remained and tought “Stony Point” school and boarded at Mrs. Jane Lane’s. She proved to be a very bright and interesting girl. Then Mrs. Deighton, a lovely lady , came on a visit and all felt that she and a home would have been of great advantage to both pastor and people. Rev. Deighton accepted a call to Huntington, Ind., after two years service.

Eleventh Pastor-Rev. James Hickling

Rev. James Hickling was the successor of Rev. Deighton and they were as different as Moses and Aaron, though both were Englishmen. However, Rev. Hickling came over when quite young, was educated here and was thoroughly Americanized, as all who come should be. Rev. Hickling was a deeply spiritual man and a preacher of more than ordinary ability. He was also progressive and looked carefully after the best interests of town and Church. In Rev. Lehman’s time we were connected with Adams Mills. Under Rev. Deighton we were united to the Muskingum Church. During Rev. Hickling’s regime we bought the much need Manse.

Mrs Hickling was the consecrated assistant of the pastor. She was a faithful teacher in the Sabbath School and a zealous worker in the missionary and other societies of the Church. For five years they faithfully performed all the duties of their office. It was a great loss to town, and Church when they left us. In June, 1919, Rev. Hickling “passed through the gates into the city.” Mrs. Hickling is indeed bereaved.

Twelfth Pastor-Rev. H.P. Barnes, D.D.

In March, 1896, Dr. Barnes came to us. Very soon their only son, Henry , was called above, leaving only Emily to comfort them. Eighteen years earlier, or when Rev. Millikan left here in March , 1878, Rev. Barnes had preached for this church all summer, and very acceptably. The Church desired his services but were too slow in saying so and when they did speak he had accepted a call elsewhere. When Rev. Hickling resigned in 1895 the labors of Dr. Barnes were secured in March, 1896. Mrs Barnes was abundant in good works and a faithful co-worker with her husband. They mourned tenderly with those who mourned and were very companionsable for the aged. Emily grew into womanhood among us-a favorite with all.

They ministered to this people in season and out of season and were greatly missed when they left in 1903. After serving various churches Dr. Barnes health failed, they went to Florida to recuperate in 1916, and there at St. Petersburgh, he was called to the “many mansions.” He, too, sleeps among us, beside little Henry.

Dr. Barnes was a fine sermonizer and always helped the hearer. He was an optimist, as every Christian should be, a welcome visitor in the home, always leaving a more genial atmosphere. Mrs. Barnes resides with Emily-Mrs.Callum- her husband and their little son. God has set the solitary in the family.

Part 3 Part 5

Happy Hunting!

Amanuensis Monday-History of Dresden Presbyterian Church 1819-1919/Part 3/

Amanuensis Monday – An Amanuensis is a person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another. 

The following History will be presented in 6 parts each one being posted on Monday.  This is a History of the Presbyterian Church in Dresden Ohio as of 1919, that is in my possession.  My Great Grandfather was the Pastor of the Church when this piece was commissioned. I have pulled it from a earlier posting on my rootsweb family website. I hope that it brings information you can use or maybe an interesting read. Enjoy! There is more to Dresden then baskets 😀

  1819- Dresden Presbyterian Church History -1919

written by Mrs. T.M. (Mary Louise Cresap) Stevenson

Chronology Continued

Fifth Pastor-Rev. James Harrison

 The same fall-1836-Rev. Harrison held a series of meetings, with many additions, amoung them who later became the second Gospel Minister sent out by the Dresden Church. He preached for some year in the Presbyterian Church and later in the Episcopal Church.

In 1842 the First Choir of Dresden was organized-a most important event. God wants the best music for his service. Rev. Harrison owned his own house, later the Dr. B.F. Lemert home, and there, under the leadership of a Mr. Stone and through his supervision, the music became of a very superior order and has so continued these seventy-six years, or ever since. Two public concerts were given by this Choir for Mr. Stone’s benefit. Mr. Stone later taught music in the city of Wheeling W. VA.

Mr. William Armstrong, a master muscian of Cumberland Md., later trained the choir. We hear now the echoes of some of the voices of that choir; Mrs. Margaret Bailey, a sweet alto to early translated to the heavenly choir, who left children to take her place there and elsewhere later; Mrs. Wm. Armstrong*, saprano, all her life; Mrs. Amelia Ingalls Wallace; Mrs. Matlida Ingalls Cary; Messrs. James Wallace, Alfred Barson, and Patterson Hirst. Mr. Armstrong taught classes of the young people music. He was gentle, sweet-spirited man whom we all loved, and who was full of harmony. He was uncle to Miss Jennie Bailey and sisters, and Mrs. Margaret Bailey was their dear mother.

* note written in magrins of the pamplet, Mrs. Wm. Armstrong became Mrs. Wm. Leggett? Looks to be the hand of either D.M. Ogilvie or Adela Ruth Ogilvie(Ruth O. McCartney),

After Mr. Armstrong’s death Mr. Patterson Hirst was choir leader. He also had singing schools which were popular. Mr. Hirst went to war and later became Harry Shore and Samuel Spencer. All praise and honor should be given to these fine leaders, past and present, and to our always most effiecent choir.

Rev. Harrison spent ten years of arduous labor here from 1836 to 1846. Mrs. Harrison was a very hospitable hostess and a good wife and mother. God blessed his work and now there were eighty-nine members enrolled.

 Sixth Pastor-Rev. S.P. Hildreth


Rev. Hildreth began his minstry of nearly a quarter of a century soon after Rev. Harrison left. He, too, owned his own house; later John Alloway’s home just across from the Church, where he lived unto it seemed neccessary to remove to the Munro home, to be with Mrs. Munro, Mrs. Hildreth’s mother, four miles up teh Muskingum. Through the winter’s storms, high river and dark nights, Rev. Hildreth never failed to come down for the Wednesday evening prayer meeting and “the monthly Monday Concert of prayer for the Heathen, which will be held in this house on tomorrow evening.” as he always gave the announcement on the first Sabbath of each month. There was a special collection taken these first Mondays for Missions, to which he always gave a greenback, after a topical lecture on the Month’s Mission Field.

There are a variety of gifts. Paul, Peter and John each had their special talents. Today is is so, and it is well. Some are good pastors, visit the poor and needy and draw the outsider, are what is called a “good mixer.” Others are wonderful expostors of God’s Word and the hearer grow stronger, mentally and spiritually. Rev. Hildreth which is now forever banished. Three distilleries and their natural fruit-age of woe, then existed here. Vanished forever and also toe one that sprang up later, to the joy of all good men and of many a good and suffering women. Thank God for war prohibition and may He make us sing the Halleluliah Chorus all over the land in November.

When God took Rev. Heldreth the town mourned. During his funeral the business houses of saint and sinner, large and small, were all closed. He sleeps here, with his loving and beloved people and will rise again among them.

In June, 1847, the First Sewing Society of Dresden was organized by Mrs. Maria Force of Hagerstown, Md., a devoted member of our Church. They owned the house opposite the M.E. Church, where Mr. Rambo afterwords built another and lived and where Mrs. Rambo, another elect lady. labored for the W.C.T.U., Church, Missions and Sabbath School, assited by “Mira,” very faithfully. The purpose of Mrs. Force, in organizing this Sewing Society, was to raise funds to obtain a Church bell.

The movement was a great success. On Thanksgiving day the bell, weighing 600 pounds, was received from Cincinnati. July 4, 1850, was an auspicious day. The first Church bell of Dresden was rung. We don’t know why they wait from November to July. Perhaps, because the women could not hang it. But they could prepare a big , fine dinner for town and give the proceeds for bell and Church ever given in Dresden. So this Presbyterian Church bell, July 4, 1850, sounded the gospel message, first rung in Dresden,”Come, Come, Come,” and it has been calling “Come” ever since. It could be heard seven miles. Its tones are music to our ears and we used to imagine it call extended beyond the Mississippi and across the prairies. Five days later, July 9, 1850, this bell was tolled half a day in sorrow, from a telegram announcing the death of our Hero President, General Zachary Taylor, of the War of 1812, He died from over-exertion celebrating the 4th.

In 1848 there was a Commitee elected for the repairing of the Church, consisting of John N. Ingalls, Alfred Barson and Patterson Hirst. A new roof and a new front were added with four beautiful Corinthian columns. The ladies, too, were indefatigable and they sent to Philadelphia for a carpet and to New York for paper with the Corinthian columns. Then the new spire was seventy-five feet high and there were also new inside shutters as well as new windows. The cost amounted to $1,300 or nearly as much as the cost of the Church at first. The hearts of the people were in the work. It was said to be, then, the most tasteful Church in the Presbytery of Zanesville. A great revival followed this beautifying the House of God.

In 1852 the First Pipe Organ ever in Dresden was installed in our Church. We always had had fine music and good instruments, but now! We wondered if David’s Choir “of singing men and singing women,” which could be heard from Jerusalem to Jericho-twenty miles-was superior to ours.

This choir was trained and led by the spledid musician, William Armstrong, before mentioned, till he died. For a time the organist was Prof. Lihnethal (later of Zanesville). When he played his preludes, interludes and postludes, we forgot everything but-the Heavenly Harmony. Then Mr. James Wallace became organist. He went to Iowa. Other organist were John White Jr., and Miss Lizzie Gilbert-all good.

In 1880 the Church was again remodeled-new pews, floor, pulpit, windows. This treasure of ours was taken down and stored in the George Lemert and Johnson warehouse. The store and warehouse were about where Eschmans’s Hall now is. A fire occurred and nearly the whole block went up in smoke, and with it our pipe organ. Cabinet organs and pianos did not satisfy us. Our sorrow at this loss was not assuaged until, through the good offices of our forever beloved pastor, Dr. Macleod, we replaced our pipe organ.

Good music is a great power and is a part of heaven’s joys according to the Bible. We are thankful today for our good and faithful organists, Mrs. Spencer and Miss Mary Stump and our excellent choir which hleps us all to worship better.

Civil War
The Civil War came in ’61-’65 and many of our people marched away following the country’s calls, among them the choir leader, Patterson Hirst. There was also John Bainter, who never missed prayer meeting, and John Poorman, good soldiers. John Bainter gave his life at Murfreesboro. Some were prisoners; all shortened their days for their country. There were too many to enumerate. WE know of one veteran who wore the blud on the church rool, faithful to the flag and faithful to the Church-Thomas Ulrick. Dwight Kain, George Lemert and Dr. Dorsey passed away a few years ago. The anthem of the Civil War was written by women. Sweetly she said:

“In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,With the glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me.

He died to make men holy-they died to make man free.”

We’ll never forget Julia Ward Howe.

Seventh Pastor-Rev. Charles Merwin


Rev. Charles Merwin became our seventh Pastor. He was a very scholarly gentleman and close student and good preacher. Mrs. Merwin was an able assistant. He remained only one year and then accepted a call to a larger field.

Eighth Pastor-Rev. W. F. Millikan


Rev. W.F. Millikan began his labors here in 1872. He was a very quiet, dignified, faithful minister. His services were greatly apprecaited. Mrs. Millikan was a fine linguist and a fine Greek scholar as well as Latin and English. She was also a botanist and well educated along different lines. She was a church worker too, though of feeble health. They labored faithrully for six years and then accepeted a call to Chili, New York.

Part 2 Part 4

Happy Hunting!