All posts by Julia Hogston

Christian, Family Historian, Wife, Mom, Grandma

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun

SNGF from Randy Seaver at Genea-Musings

Hey there, genea-philes – it’s Saturday Night — time for more Genealogy Fun!!
I’m always on the lookout for websites that can find living people.  I read about Spokeo this week and thought that I would try it out.
Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to:
1)  Go to Spokeo – and put in your name (or any name).
2)  See what Spokeo says about you.  Is it accurate?
3)  Share what you want to share with us in a blog post, in a comment to this blog post, or in a status or comment on Facebook, or in a Stream post on Google Plus.

Here is what I found out about me 😀 Some very correct things and some not so much!

There is only one person with my name combination. I don’t know if that is good or bad! I can truly say I am unique!

Phone, Address, Location, email are correct as far as I can tell with all the **** that block the numbers and letters the identify me for sure.

Female check
Early 50’s check
Married check
own house check ( almost, bank still owns it technically )
worth of home, is low to what state says it’s worth, but I bet I couldn’t sell it for more than  this now.
Caucasian  check
Aquarius nope
Protestant check
High School check
Family of four…. gee did I borrow the youngest two? Only the two oldest children are listed. LOL!

Plays sports  nope
enjoys sailing ???? never done it LOL
Enjoys the outdoors yep
Loves to travel yep
Likes music yep
Loves reading yep
Subscribes to magazines nope
Has children yep
Cares about healthy living yep
Enjoys gardening yep
Enjoys home decorating yep
Enjoys home improvement yep
Likes cars they are what they are LOL a way to get around!
Researches investments nope
Is a collector dead people count?
Collects antique  ditto

This was an interesting exercise Randy, wondering if there is a way to block this information LOL but someone else would just gather it again… probably a exercise in futility!

Try it folks! Might be surprised what you might find! I know I found a cousin of my husband years ago when I did a search on my name.  He has a  3 rd great Aunt named Julia Hogston :D.

Happy Hunting!

Treasure Chest Thursday/ From Negatives to Flesh

I am a bit back ward this week, and I apologize for this! After I posted what I had worked on for part of the week and had it ready to post for Friday, I remembered that I had not posted Thursday’s offering.

This weeks treasure came in the forms of pictures, some that I have already shared with you. The picture of my grand parents

A. Ruth Ogilvie and Willard Warren McCartney

and the picture of my grandmother and her siblings standing from youngest to oldest and all but the youngest trying not to giggle. ( proving to me it is always the youngest that starts things 😀 )

These picture were found as I have stated before in box of boxes, the treasure in these photos is that fact they were negatives and I really had no clue what they held! I was fearful to take them to a chain operated photo department. Most of them are great with digital photos and photos taken recently, but these were single negatives, and I guessed they were at least 70 yrs old. I asked around and found a Photographer! He has done excellent work for me and I would like to give him a mention. If you’re in the metro Detroit and need work done, I would suggest Joe. You can find Joe at Photo Joe/Joseph Marshall Photography

Those negatives are 70-year-old, and actually some of them closer to 80 yrs old.
The greatest treasure  the majority of these photos were taken at a Ogilvie Family reunion in Dresden Ohio in 1933. I believe there were only two people in the family not present. I couldn’t have hoped for more! I now have pictures of my great-grandparents with their children, spouses and grand-children. Now that is what I call putting flesh on bones!

There was just one problem with these photos and it really wasn’t with them, but with my knowledge of the family. I could place my grandmother and a favorite aunt, but the most of the rest of them were guesses for me. To change this dilemma I posted them to and invited family members to help me put names to faces and I also invited them to print or download what they wanted. There were over 100 negatives (I still have more to developed) so I thought this would be the best way to share them. I have many more photos of other families and I am thinking seriously about doing the same with them. You can visit the share page of the Ogilvie photos mentioned above at Ogilvie Family Photos.

They are now being put in an album and being named. There will be a disk added to the album . I  will be saving them both Tif and jpg files. I am not sure yet how I will index and name them on the disc. That will be my next adventure.

Enjoy and Happy Hunting!

Friday Family History on This Day/ Meredith B. and Mary J. Sanders Martin married 160 yrs ago

While looking through many blogs in the last few months, I found one that I liked at Kentucky Kindred Genealogical Research (KentuckyKindred) called “Today In Genealogy History” by Phillis Brown. I am going to change this up a bit and do what I am going to call Friday Family History on This Day. Instead of a daily posting I will be going through my genealogy calendar on Friday and picking one event on that day. I can see this not being a weekly by-line as there will be Fridays on the calendar that will be quiet. Join me on this adventure. My first offering is below:


Mary J. Sanders is my husbands 1st cousin three times removed.
On this day, Sept 23,  in 1875 she married Meredith Benjamin Martin son of William and Anna Davis Martin. The marriage took place at the home of her parents Wade Hillard and Hannah Potter Sanders in Pike Co., Kentucky.

Meredith married a second time. I have conflicting information about Mary’s death date. So I am not sure if it was a divorce or death that brought this marriage to an end.

Isn’t that funny you solve one question only to find another!

Happy Hunting!


Sunday’s Obituary William D. McCartney Columbiana County, Ohio, July 27. 1863

Taken from:
The Presbyterian historical almanac and annual remembrancer of the church, Volume 6
written in 1864 by Joseph M. Wilson found on Google Books.

page 175
MCCARTNEY, WILLIAM D.—Was born in Columbia County, Pa., in 1806. Being blessed with pious parents he was trained ” in the way he should go.” He made a profession of religion in the sixteenth year of his age, and joined the church of Derry, Pa., then under the pastoral care of Rev. John B. Patterson. His duty as a Christian prompted him to look forward to the gospel ministry, and in 1828 he commenced his classical studies under the direction of Rev. George Scott, pastor of Mill Creek Church, Beaver County, Pa., by whom he was introduced into Washington College, Washington, Pa., where he was graduated in 1832. He studied Theology in the Western Seminary, Allegheny City, Pa., and was licensed by Washington Presbytery, in 1835, where he was ordained and installed as pastor of West Liberty Church, Pa. He subsequently labored in the Ridge Church, Madison, and Holmesville Church, Ohio, within the bounds of Steubenville and New Lisbon Presbyteries.

He married Miss Maria J. Stewart, daughter of Mr. Thomas Stewart, of Claysville, Pa. They had five children. Mrs. McCartney and four of their children died previous to his death. He had long been afflicted, occasioned by a decline of his total powers, and he died at his residence in Columbiana County, Ohio, July 27. 1863.

J. R. Dundass, i).i)., of Sandy, Ohio, writes as follows:—”He was a man of very superior intellectual powers, logical, clear, and discriminating in his theological views, an excellent scholar, devotedly pious, a faithful and successful minister of Christ. Notwithstanding his affliction of partial and sometimes almost total blindness, he was always cheerful and social, realizing that our light afflictions which are but for a moment worketh for us a fur more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.”

William D. I believe to be the son of my 4th great grandparents Isaiah and Lettice Hudders McCartney and my 3rd great grandfathers, Samuel Craig McCartney, brother. I just wished they had stated who Williams “pious parents” where. I guess that is for another search and another day!

Happy Hunting!