As I wander through the census records I very rarely visit the top the page unless I am looking to cite a page that does contain information that I am going to use. I received a very nice surprise when I was taking a look at this bit of the census from Norton Township in Barberton, Summit County, Ohio.
I was in search of my second great-grandfather and his family. Thanks to Ancesty I did find them in the 1920 census, everyone listed properly ! I love it when that happens, no questions no second guessing, it indeed was them. I was looking for Silas J. McCartney and his wife Nancy “Nannie” …….. before I tell you what I found, how about you check the page out and figure what little surprise I received. Did you figure it out??
Silas was the enumerator on this census in this area, so along with his family history I also have in my records one whole page of his hand writing. I have to say for an enumerator it wasn’t too bad. Thank you grandpa for leaving a clue!
May your hunts through the census bring you many little surprises!
Happy Hunting
Julie Hogston - Visit Website